His first mission

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The whole room was covered with the darkness expect the middle portion that was enlighted with a gas bulb, right under the bulb there were two mens tied with the chair while their hands were entangled with each other on the back and their legs were tied with leg of the chair . their face was covered with a black cloth, clothes were torn and dirty as if they came back from a battle .

looking at their state one may think that they were unconscious but both of them were untying themselves sneakily and steadily as soon as they untie their hands and draped the rope losely against their hands .
not so long after they untited themselves they heard the sound of door opening and heard step entre in the room

I know you both are awake no need for the drama
(Hearing this both the male sat straight.)

Remove their blind folds.
( the man almost in his 40's ordered.
his Minions did as they were told and remove the mask from their face and ....)

(Cara Mia!! Now I understand what Thailand is this hot !!)

Where is the money ??
The boys sulked and rolled their eyes at the question

I asked where's my money ,kiddos ??

Kiddos ,my ass!

Language pai !!


The older man laughed hesterically and mocked

Here death is standing infront of you and look at you teaching manners to your little brother .
Tell me where's my money and I'll let you both go

I don't know about your money but I do know about the money you stole from us and that money is where it belongs !!

Phayu spoke gazing dead into his eyes the older looked at him with anger and shouted ,

Shoot both these bastards to death ( saying this he was about to leave when he heard groand of his own mans and as soon as he turned around a kick landed on his face colliding his body with the floor )
Prapai shot him in the head while phayu looked at him all confused
He giggled scratching his head

I don't like taking risk !! He affirmed .

They opened the door to leave and found 40-50 mens pointing their guns at their head .
Prapai who was standing ahead of phayu spoke nervously

Now what !!!

Close the gate at the count of one


1!! ( As soon as the count left phayu's mouth
Pai closed the door shut , soon after they heard a blast pai looked at phayu with questionable expression.

Daddies are here ( phayu answered with his evergreen smirk to which pai looked at him with disgust )

That sounds creepy !!

They laughed and left the room running towards the main exit just to find four handsome men's dressed in all black
They ran to them

Prapai hugged porshe while phayu hugged pete

Now if you guys are done with the Bharatmilap ( reunion), let's leave !!
Kinn spoke

Okay boss

Soon they reached the mansion as the got off prapai hugged pete

Thank you for saving this handsome man uncle you saved this world going ugly .

They laughed while Vegas and phayu just looked at him being dumb . Pete giggled looking at them and spoke

He have taken after his dad no !!

At the dinning table

All were munching on their food kinnporshe ,prapai. Vegaspete , phayu thankhun and his daughter pearl .

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