Rain got abducted

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As the sun rose up shining brightly above the sky indicating the begging of a new day .
Rain woke up and got ready

Where are you off too? ( Asked sky )
I'm going to meet p'phayu
Rain he rejected you last night
I'm gonna persue him bro atleast I'd be relieved that I tried .

Rain got a call from prapai telling him about phayu's location .

At phayu's office

Rain knocked on the door

Come in
As soon he heard it rain entered the office with a smile on his face

Good morning p'phayu

Phayu turned his attention towards rain with no expression written on his face and spatted

Get out !!

P'phayu is this how you treat your customers .

What are you playing now 

I'm here for my car

Then what are you doing in my office

P pai told me that you're the best here I want you to take care of my car personally .

I will now go .


What now rain !( Phayu spoke all annoyed )

Take care of yourself na ,have a nice day

Saying this rain left the room and dialed pai's number

P'pai I don't think he'll ever fall in love with me

Rain don't loose hope this early , I gotta do something

What are you going to do p'pai

You'll know

Rain came back home just to find sky sleeping on the floor with an album in his hand
He took the album out of his hold and started going through it .
There was photos of pai and sky
Rain looked at sky sadly, he knew that it's not easy for sky to face pai after what they Ave ben through and it's pretty obvious that sky still hadn't moved on nomatter how strong he try to show himself he still have a soft corner for pai

Rain [ POV ]

I am still unaware about what happened between them few years ago but one day sky returned home very late at night all soaked in rain his eyes were puffy face was all swollen because of crying .
He could barely walk he was about to fall down when I caught him the only thing he uttered that night is .
" Pai broke up with me "
And he blanked out  after that day he never spoke about that .
Few years later in our freshmen year we became friends with pearl one day she asked us to come over at her place to study

I remember that day very clearly

**Flashback **

Hello pearl we're here
Oh I'm coming wait a min
Pearl came down to get us she took us to the living room where her family was sitting

We greeted them but soon sky's eyesfell upon pai and he almost screamed

You guys are mafia !!!

He screamed triggering the gaurds ,they pointed their guns at our heads while sky stood there staring at pai

Release !!
Spoke prapai

Back to your positions
A voice came from behind I turned around just to find p'phayu entering the room
That was the first time I saw him
I was mesmerized by his charms but someone here seems terrified .

Get me Out of here ( sky spoke in abroken voice still staring at pai who was looking at him wearing a calm expression )

Looking at his state pearl became worried and let me take him back home
That day sky didn't uttered a single word
He didn't ate and I wonder if he was able to sleep that night as well
After that day we never went to pearls house until few days ago
Yet we've met her brothers often and most of the times it's p'phayu , p'pai doesn't seems to cross paths with sky a lot and whenever their paths crossover they end up having the nastiest fights ever

Sky usually doesn't bother to argue with people he's reasonable and very quite kind of person but whenever pai's around him he doesn't seems to be himself

Flashback ended

I was still in my thoughts when sky woke up

Oh! You came
Sky  ( rain called out )
Hmm ..
I don't know if it's okay to ask but what's the deal with you and p'pai

None of your buisness

Saying this sky left from there taking th album out of rain's hands

Soon when sky left rain heard a knock on the door so he went to open it
As soon rain opened the door someone put the black cloth over his face and took him from there , hearing wierd sounds from outside  just to find four mens taking rain in the car , so he went after them trying to get rain out of their hold but someone hit him on his back by a rod
Sky felt dizzy he could barely open his eyes anymore he fell on the floor watching them taking rain away
With no energy left in his body sky took out his mobile phone and dialed soon the other person received but didn't said a word sky let out his name almost inaudible


Saying this sky lost his consciousness


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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