You both are prince!!

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**At pearl's place that night **

Papa tomorrow my friends will come over .

Those two little

Stop!! Stop right there don't you dare to say anything about my friends p'pai .

They're weaklings !!

P'phayu you both would not say a single word to them just because of you two they're still scared.

They should

Uncle kinn ( pearl whined )

Your friends can come over princess,you don't have to take permission .

Okay thankyou you are the best !!

Pearl hugged kinn and left as soon as pearl left kinn's expression became serious

Double the security ,our man will pick them up and drop them as well


The night went as usual in the morning when pearl joined everyone for Breakfast she was told that someone will pick them up she told them about it and not so long after the driver was infront of their apartment.

Soon they reached the mansion and a butler escorted them towards the living room everyone was sitting, busy with their conversation as soon as they noticed sky and rain's presence they stopped talking .

Swadee khrap ( both the boys greeted formally in unison as the elders greeted back with a smily face
The boys looked here and there in search of their friend but pearl was nowhere to be found
Porshe understood the boys and spoke up )

Oh dear sit down pearl will come down soon


They both sat there silently

Uncle where's p'phayu

Rain asked getting attention from most of the people there

You're close with him rain we never knew ( thankhun spoke )
No I'm not close with him it's just he's usually with p'pai but today he's not around so..
Oh he's out he'll join soon

Looking at his brother sky wishpered into rain's ear
Calm your ass bro since when did you got the courage to ask about him huh!!

It just slipped

They were still wishpering to eachother when pearl approached them

Hello guyss
Hii where were you!!
Oh I was just decorating for the party
There was no need
Well I like to go extra
That's my daughter
They both shared a high five
Okay listen up p'pai and p'phayu will also join us
Okay 👍 ( they agreed and went to the party area )
They danced ,sang ,ate and played games , it was already evening when they were done with the party .pearl took them to the dining area everyone was there.

Sky and rain wanted to greet you all before leaving

Are you leaving already kiddo have dinner with us .( Thankhun spoke)
Yes rain ,sky it's already dinner time


Come on boys join in for dinner ( kinn spoke while entering the room both the boys shared a glance and agreed )

While they were having dinner kinn suddenly spoke up .

So how's your father ?
Both the boys looked at kim nervously and then spoke .

He's good uncle

Since he became the king we hadn't met much

Their face became pale as soon as kinn mentioned the king
Rain and sky surely trust nobody with their identity and this is one of the reason noboys knows about them even pearl who have been friends with them for years and knowing kinn is the biggest mafia in the country adds a little more fear .
Looking at the fearfull expression kinn spoke

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