He rejected me

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Sky I think I love p'phayu
( Sky looked at him all shocked )
Love !! Bro that's a big word I guess you just like him .
I love him !!
You know what rain , he is surely not someone you should fall for like think how can a prince fall for a mafia

Just like how you fell for that pai

Sky looked at him a little disturbed

That's all in the past

Saying this sky left from there leaving a guilty rain behind .

I don't mean it sky listen
But before rain could add further sky shut the door on his face sky took a very deep breath nibbling his earlobe  between his finger and thumb and went to the bathroom .

Rain tried to apologise to sky but sky's anger doesn't seems to fade  . rain keep sending Messages and memes in their group chat but the targeted audience (p'phayu) never responded .

It was already pearl's birthday party and they were driving towards the mansion .
Soon as they reached the mansion a butler escorted them to the hall

Rain pov

The hall was very big and glamorous just as beautiful as the hall at the palace  though the guest here weren't dressed luxurious but they were in all black as if there's no other colour in the world.
Personally black isn't my favourite color looking at all of them it seems like we're at a funeral and not a bday party .
Me and sky were still walking in search of pearl or atleast someone known when our eyes reach with the most familiar figure ever .
Me and sky looked at eachother and ran towards their direction caging both the figures in our embrace

Mama papa !!!

The couple turned around to face their kids and engulfed them into a big hug .

Oh my kiddos
Mama papa we missed you both soo much .

Rain was at the verge of crying looking at his parents and why wouldn't he , his brother has been angry at him from last few days and hadn't talked to him since then .

Aww why are you crying my baby

Maa I missed you

Sky's eyes were moist too he too missed his parents and knowing well that he's also a reason why rain is crying .

Ohhoo what happened to my babies huh!! Someone said something to you you both .

His mother embraced both the boys comforting them looking at this cute family moment someone was smiling at the back .

Phayu and pai were smiling softly at the boys reuniting with their parents

Why did you broke up with skyy

I had my reason


Raaaainn ssskkkkkyyyyy

Pearl came running but looking at their red face and puffy eyes she became little tensed

What happened to you both , don't tell him p'phayu p'pai did something again .

No pearl

Ya we hadn't done anything to them

They did nothing pearl we just met our parents after long .

Aww my babies

Pearl hugged the boys
Happy birthday bestie
Thanku 💗💗

They all chit chatted and the party goes like that .most of the people there were mafia and rain and sky still can't get over the fact that their father is friends with Mafia.
Their father Seems to know almost everyone though he didn't introduced them to a lot of people.

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