Chapter 1:

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3 years after graduation...

"How does it feel to be the number one hero?" A tall reporter with shimmering blonde hair and chestnut brown eyes asked with a big bright TV smile as she shoved a microphone in my face. "Uh well it's great to be here, and I couldn't have done it without the support of my friends, family and the citizens" I answered nervously. I hate reporters. Well, hate is a strong word, I just really don't like them. I wish they'd leave me alone, but I guess this is what happens when you're the number one hero. I have no idea how All Might used to put up with this. I wish I had the confidence of the other heroes to just turn them down, but I don't. That's probably the reason so many of them come to me. Turning them down in U.A. was so much easier, although Aizawa did that for me most of the time.

"Hello? Deku? Deku!" The reporter yelled in my face, clearly getting impatient. I'd zoned out, again. "S-sorry, what did you say?" I asked nervously, staring at the floor. The reporter sighed and said 'nevermind' as she walked away with the camera crew following behind her. I stared in confusion for a while before Uraraka appeared behind me, I still have no idea how she just appears from nowhere, it really freaks me out. A lot of my other friends ask me why I'm still friends with Ochaco after that confession on the last day of U.A, that for some reason everyone knows about, but she's still my best friend and nothing will change that. She was wearing a pink tracksuit and had her short brown hair half tied up. I've gotta admit she looks really pretty with her hair tied up. "Deku! The hero committee wanted to talk to you about something? I don't know what they want but they sent me to get you!" She exclaimed with her usual bubbly expression, her chocolate brown eyes shimmering in the sunlight. I nodded and thanked Uraraka before walking away towards the Hero Committee building to see what they needed.

I hesitated in front of the building doors, panicking slightly about what the hero committee needed to talk to me about. I took a deep breath and pushed down my fears. I walked into the building slowly, smiling at the familiar faces and waving back shakily to those who waved at me. Thankfully no one stopped to talk to me on the way there. I walked up the stairs slowly and walked to the door that had the hero committee meeting room sealed behind it. I knocked on the office door nervously and waited for a response. A few agonising moments later I was called in and I sat down carefully.

"Uhm so what am I here for exactly?" I asked quietly, fidgeting with the hem of my sleeve. I've always been bad at social interactions, especially serious stuff. They began to explain to me that I would be paired up with another hero to plan and fight an extremely strong villain that had been rumoured to be plotting a large scale attack in Yokohama, and we had to put a stop to it before anyone could get hurt. I was told that I'd be meeting up with the hero I was paired with the next day in Musutafu Cafe. I nodded in agreement and thanked them before standing up and leaving.

The next day I nervously entered the cafe and sat down at my allocated table. I was early so I ordered a green tea and bit my thumbnail as I anxiously waited for the mystery hero to show up. I was listening to 'Cavetown' through my headphones with it on low volume as I waited.

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