Chapter 8:

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I left Katsuki alone in the kitchen to eat the spicy ramen I'd made for him. I headed to my room, briefly glancing at Katsuki to make sure he was actually eating his food (which he was) before closing my door. I sat on my bed and stared mindlessly at the blank ceiling above me. Then all of a sudden the memory of the last day of U.A snaked its way into my head. A good day for the most part, although my judgement is probably skewed because of how much me and Denki were crying.  I thought about Katsuki, and how upset he was when Uraraka asked Midoriya out, That was the first, and only, time I had ever seen Katsuki cry, or be vulnerable in general. God he was so head over heels in love with Midoriya. "I wonder if Katsuki still likes him" I thought to myself as I had a sudden realisation, Katsuki was really happy, probably the happiest I've seen him in a while. And today he was with Midoriya. 

Oh. My. God. 

It was all because of Midoriya!! Katsuki still loved Midoriya! I chuckled softly to myself. I turned myself on my side to get some sleep. I was coaching Amajiki in the gym the next day and I needed to be up early. As I lay in my bed, slowly drifting off to sleep, my brain started forming a plan...

I woke up to the sound of my alarm Screaming at me next to my head. I sat up slowly and smacked my alarm to shut it up. Katsuki had broken the buttons on my alarm months ago, and I see no point in getting a new one because it still works. I then headed to my wardrobe. I pulled on a light grey vest and navy blue joggers. I tied a white headband around my head and grabbed a hoodie, I probably wouldn't need it because its been outrageously hot all week, but knowing Amajiki, he'd be cold for some reason. I tied it around my waist and grabbed my water bottle as I left our apartment, yelling goodbye to Katsuki as I ran out the door. He didn't answer me as he was probably still asleep, but I didn't want to wake him up. I walked towards the gym with my earbuds in, blasting music. I walked into the sweaty building and did a few warm-ups as I waited for Amajiki to show up. The gym always stunk of sweat, deodorant and cleaning chemicals, it was nasty. Amajiki bolted into the gym, clearly out of breath he trudged into the room that I was in and silently waved at me. He was wearing a light purple hoodie and baggy navy blue trousers.

"You run here dude?" I asked with a small chuckle whilst Amajiki bent over to catch his breath. "I wanna go home..." He mumbled before standing up straight again and brushing his purple hair out of his eyes. I smiled at him before we started our usual workout routine.

An hour later, Amajiki and I finished at the gym and I headed home. I was blasting 'The Ramones' very loudly through my earbuds, completely oblivious to everything around me. I was completely lost in my music when I bumped into Ochako from back in U.A. "Ah I'm so sorry!!- oh hey Ochaco!" I said sheepishly as I stepped back. "It's fine, Kirishima. I feel like I've not seen you in ages!" She said with a smile. We both laughed a little before noticing Midoriya and Katsuki walking towards Musutafu cafe, they looked really close. Like to the point where I wouln't be surprised if they started holding hands. "Do they seem really close to you or is that just me?" I asked curiously, shifting my gaze back to Ochaco. "No they're definitely close, I know they're meant to be doing some mission together or something, but still. They weren't even that close when we were in U.A..." She answered softly and I agreed with her. Then I told her how happy Katsuki was when he'd come home the night before and she said a similar thing about Izuku being happy that morning when they were on patrol together. We walked towards Musutafu cafe together to spy- I mean check on Katsuki and Midoriya. We followed them in and sat at a table near to them but far enough away that they wouldn't notice us. As we sat there I told Ochaco about how much Katsuki used to like Midoriya. Ochaco told me that on the day of Midoriya's confession, he'd told her he was bi and mentioned liking a guy, but apparently he refused to elaborate on who it was. I know I shouldn't have said anything but it was for romance okay!?  We both agreed that they would be perfect for each other and we started to form a plan on how to get them together. 

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