Chapter 13:

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Two days (I think?) after the mission...

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The lights were blinding above me. There was a background noise of an irritating buzz and the steady rhythmic beating of a heart monitor, which I assume was attached to me. I blinked repeatedly, I heard a familiar voice next to me, but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. There were two other voices coming from outside the room, not a clue what they were saying, but it sounded like a younger girl and an older guy. I kept blinking until my vision began to clear and focus. I attempted to sit up, but I immediately regretted it when an aching pain shot through my body. I slowly layed back down and decided that moving wasn't the best idea at that moment. The burning lights above me were a few large square ceiling lights. My eyes trailed slowly around the room, taking in the white walls, white floors, white ceiling, white bed, white clothes. God there was a lot of white. It was almost like a hospital...'s a hospital! My gaze drifted to the direction of the voice. I saw a blurry, blonde-haired figure and realised that he was the source of the yelling. His words slowly began to unscramble and I could sort of hear his words. "Izu-Deku!! You're awake!!" He yelled, his words piercing my ears. He yelled something else, but all I heard was a painful screech. "'re too loud..." I mumbled quietly, my words slurring from my delirious state. I shut my eyes, finally getting too annoyed at the lights. When I opened them again the person finally came into focus and I realised who was yelling at me. "Sorry nerd. You okay?" Kacchan asked, his voice softer and a lot quieter now. I nodded my head stiffly in response, and he smiled. God I haven't seen him smile in years. He's so cute when he smiles... Before either of us knew what he was doing, Kacchan took my hand and held it tenderly. "You scared the shit out of me...never do that again." Kacchan whispered softly to me. We both smiled, his smile wider than mine. But then we were rudely interrupted by the two people from outside walking into the room. I forced myself upright a little and glanced at the new people, a little on edge.

A younger girl with pale blue hair and red eyes walked into the room. She was led by a middle aged man with shoulder-length black hair and a scruffy beard. If I didn't know any better I'd say he looked homeless. I soon recognised who was in front of me. Mr. Aizawa, my old highschool teacher, and Eri, I hadn't seen Eri in a while. When I moved to Shibuya I didn't see or talk to most of the people I knew in high school. Aizawa noticed my slightly confused expression at their presence. It's not like I didn't want them there, I was just confused about why. Aizawa could tell what I was thinking, he's always been able to read me like a book. "Good to see you awake, problem child." Aizawa said in his usual monotone voice. He briefly glanced at Kacchan's grasp on my hand, but didn't comment on it. Eri ran over and hugged me tightly. "Careful Eri" Aizawa warned, but he didn't move from his spot. I chuckled softly and everyone in the room smiled. Eventually Aizawa spoke again. "As you probably know, me and Recovery Girl have been training Eri's quirk, and we've finally got it to the point where we believe that it's safe for her to use, as long as it's only for short periods of time." Aizawa walked closer and Eri had already let go of me.

"The media was broadcasting you and Bakugo's fight with the villain," Aizawa smirked subtly when he noticed my eyes widened at that fact. "Eri saw the broadcast, and insisted that she used Rewind to help you." Aizawa continued before Eri chipped in. "You helped me and saved my life, so I had to save yours." I smiled and ruffled Eri's hair. "Yeah, Eri used what we worked towards and saved you. So we know that Eri's quirk can be controlled, and you're not dead. So it's a win-win situation." Aizawa said bluntly. "Thank you Eri, you didn't have to do that for me, you owe me nothing" I said before adding "You too Aizawa-sensei, thank you for everything." It was silent for a moment before Aizawa spoke again. "Well we should probably get going, Hizashi's cooking, and frankly I don't trust him not to burn the house down. We can drop you off at your place if you want Bakugou?" Aizawa offered, already heading towards the door, Eri following quickly behind. "No, I'm alright. Eijiro's picking me up in a minute anyway, he's on his way back from the gym." Kacchan replied. Kacchan being relatively kind and grateful is still too weird for me. Aizawa nodded and left with Eri trailing behind. Kacchan took my hand in his again and frowned slightly. "I sorry..." Kacchan said in a low voice. "For what..?" I asked, I didn't know if it was my delirious mind or if it was just Kacchan being stupid. "I could've saved you..." He said quietly, a look of guilt washed over his face. "You did everything you could Kacchan...don't blame yourself..." I said, I squeezed his hand gently. I smiled warmly at him and he stared back, a small bit of blush forming on his face. "Izu-" Kacchan began but was abruptly cut off by Kirishima bursting through the door and into the room. He was sweaty and breathless, it was clear he'd just come from the gym. "Sorry I'm late bro I-" Kirishima started but trailed off when he realised he was interrupting what could have been a romantic moment between me and Kacchan- Wait!! Why am I thinking about romance again!? God dammit!! "Do you two uh..need a minute..?" Kirishima questioned, already stepping backwards towards the door. Kacchan swiftly stood up, "No we can go". He headed towards Kirishima before briefly stopping "See you, Izuku, I'll visit tomorrow" he added before leaving me in silence. The sounds of machines beeping and the quiet hum of voices outside soothed the ringing in my ears. Hold on...did Kacchan call me Izuku?I haven't heard him call me by my real name since we were kids. I sighed as the shuffle of Kacchan and Kirishima's feet down the corridor faded away. I lay back down and decided to go back to sleep. 

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