new start

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Aliah pov

I wake up to my alarm going off in my ear I jump up quickly "oh shit I'm going to be late"  I jump outta of bed and run to the bathroom I wash my face and brush my teeth I run the shower while I get my outift together I hop in the shower really quick I get out and rub my body down with my oils and get dressed I spray some perfume and put on some jewelry I hurry and put on my heels and grab my keys and my stuff and go out the house

I lock the door and get in the car I look at the time I have only 5 minutes to get to my interview " shit shit shit " I bag out and start driving I can see I'm almost there when a accident happens right infront of me " oh no no nooo pls don't do this to me " I try to back out but it's traffic I sit in my car in defeat knowing there's no way outta of this after a hour the traffic is moving again

And I just drive to my favorite Cafe  I park and walk in I ask for my usual drink a Carmel iced coffee I sit and wait for my name to be called but as I wait I see a tall women walk in she had on shades and she was in a suit with her hair tied in a neat bun she looked like a boss she orders something and sits at a table in front of me  

I stare at her until I was snapped out of it by my name being called I get up and grab my drink and I go back to my seat to grab the rest of my things as I'm collecting it I drop my folder and a bunch of papers fall down with it I try and hurry and pick them up when I hear a voice " you need help with that" I look up to see the professional lady in front of me on one knee I guess I must of been staring because she laughs and hands me the rest if my papers " o..oh I'm sorry um thank you so much " she nods and stands up and put her hand out to help me up I get up " you know it's not polite to stare and ignore at people right "

"Oh um yes sorry I...I was just distracted I'm so sorry" I look away in embarssment " its ok you don't have to be embarrassed it happens , why do you even have all these papers " she says not breaking eye contact with me " I've been looking for a job my old job doesn't really pay well and I live alone so I need more to fend for myself " I say looking down " oh I see well I have a open spot at my job " I look back up at her " you do what is it at this point I'm desperate for anything " I say with the look of desperation

"I need a new employee to do my side work and maybe become my new secretary " I look at her with joy feeling my eyes " um ok yeah I can do that I'm good at getting work done " I say " ok well how about tomorrow you come in and we have interview ok " I nod my head in response " thank you so much " she looks at me with a friendly smile before handing me something and walking away

I look down it's a business card I look at it in smile I grab my things and rush out to my car I soon as I close the door I scream and kick my feet " that actually just happened omgggggg" I hurry and call my bestfriend *otp : omg girl guess what
Friend: wha girl
Aliah: I think I just got myself a JOBBBB
Friend: omg girl wherever
Aliah: idk its like some business place omg girl and the boss is so fineeeeee ugh
Friend: ooh what they look like girl
Aliah: omg she got dreads and dress nice
Friend: ooo girl I didn't know you get down like that
Aliah: girl I don't at least I don't think I do idk she fine asf girl
Friend: well girl I'm just saying you would look cute gay with yp fruity self
Aliah: ok not so much but ok girl I'm finna go home and stuff so I can get ready for tm
Friend: ok girl well let me know how it goes ok
Aliah : ok I will bye girl I love you
Friend: I love you to girl byeeeee

I get home and I put my stuff down I jump up in down in excitement the first thing I do is set my alarm nice and early so I'm on time and I don't get caught in traffic but now I think about it she didn't give me time but I think it's best I be early she looks like the type to no play when it comes to business I get undressed and get in the shower then I do my skin care and go to the kitchen and grab me some food I warm it up then I eat and brush my teeth I get in bed and watch TV till I fall asleep

unexpected job [EXPLICIT] +18Where stories live. Discover now