First day

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Aliah pov

I jolt up to my alarm going off it's early I get out of bed and put my house shoes on I got to my bathroom and look In the mirror I scream my hair is a mess I didn't lay it down last night I must have forgot I hurry and flat iron my hair and curl it I wrap it so I can take a shower I get in the shower when I get out I wrap myself in a towel and go back to my mirror I do my skin care and go to the kitchen I grab me a bagel and eat it and a glass of water after I finish I go back to my room into the bathroom and brush my teeth I check the time " ok good I still got a hour " I put on some music and start getting ready

I do my make up and brush out my hair and put my most perfessional dress it hugged my curves and made my boobs pop out I looked at myself and wanted to change " God I'm not hooker I'm not tryna fuck her for the  job" I was going to change when my phone rung I go and grab it and see a no caller ID I answer it

Aliah : hello ....
Unknown: hello
Aliah: who is this
Unknown: are you the lady I met in the Cafe yesterday
"Is this who I think it is "
Aliah: um yes are you the lady who gave me the card
Unknown: yes, hello its me hey look I need you to come as soon as possible its important
Aliah: o..oh oh ok I'll come right now
Unknown: ok thank you see you soon
Aliah: ok

What the hell how did she get my number how did she know I had so many thoughts but it look like I have no time to change so I put my heels on and put on jewelry I grab my phone and my keys and run out the house luckily I left my papers in the car or I would've left it I drive to the address on the card when I arrive its a big tall building looks like almost a hundred stories I walk in and go to the front desk I ask to see the boss

Desk lady : um who are you
Aliah: um my name is Aliah Boldmen
Desk lady: let me call hold on
Aliah: ok
Desk lady : she is ready for you go to the left to the elevators its the 50th floor right through the big black doors
Aliah : ok thank you

I walk to the elevator and I get on and click the floor I held on to the handle tightly I'm kinda scared of heights and elevators which is the two things I have to cope with right now as the doors open I fix my self and walk out I see the doors and I knock I hear someone say come in and I open the door it was really heavy I walk in and I see her she stares at me and analyze my body her eyes was stuck on my boobs but as I got closer her eyes landed on my eyes making intense eye contact

" you may have a seat"
I sit down and " so I brought you here early because my sectary is out and I need help today your gonna help me just forget the intview take this as your interview to see how well you do today"
Aliah: ok
" so Ms.Boldmen let's get started first my name is Ms.Michelle everybody calls me Ms.Mich do not call me Ms.Michelle I don't like to use that name unless it is for my meetings ok"
I nod in response
Mich: ok let's go shall we
I stand up with my stuff and began to walk with Ms.Mich
Mich: you can leave your things here we'll be back
I nod and I follow her we walk out the doors and she shows me around the office and shows me things I will have to do and stuff
Mich: you are a very quiet person
I look at her and look back forward
Mich:  I don't meet to many people like you
She says still looking at me we get stopped by someone name Josh
Josh: hello Ms.Mich um the printer is running low on ink and I got some of those papers you wanted me to get done
Mich: mhm thank you Josh but as you can see I'm showing a new worker around the work place put the papers on my desk
Josh: oh yes so sorry ms.mich won't happen again I promise
Mich: mhm thank you Josh
He walks off in a hurry and we keep walking then some one bumps in to me and drops a lot of papers "oh my goodness I'm so sorry "
Aliah:oh no it's ok let me help you
As I bend down to help I hear a stern voice
Mich: Get up Boldmen
I look up and see ms.mich giving me a death stare I stand up giving the person a sorry look I look at ms.mich and look forward
Mich: make sure you get all that up ms.logan and have them in my office organized
Logan: yes ma'am
We began walking again
Aliah: why did you make me get up
I felt dumb for opening my mouth
Mich: are you seriously questioning me right now
Aliah: sorry
I put my head down for second and looked back up to see we are at a office door I look at her but she is alr looking at me I look away and just stand there
Mich: oh so you have no more questions huh
I just stare at the door in silence she grabs my face and gives me a look
Mich: didn't we have this discussion yesterday don't ignore me
Aliah: I'm sorry I wasn't ignoring you I just didn't want to make you more upset with me
Mich: I'm not upset with you I was never upset with you
Aliah: oh.... I just thoug....
Mich : that's why you thought stop thinking and know
I stared at her with a blank face
Mich: anyways this is your office you can decorate do what ever as long as you get your work done ok
I nod in response
Mich:use your words
Aliah: yes ma'am
She grabs my arm and pulls me the other way we walk all the way back to her office when we go in ms.logan is still there sorting papers
Ms.logan: uh uh I'm so sorry I will leave sorry
Aliah: no no it's ok ms.logan  I'll finish the papers for you
I don't care that mich was giving me a death stare right now she shouldn't have to yell at her employees
Ms.logan : oh thank you thank you Ms.Mich
She leave and shuts the door I walk over to the papers I start to sort them till I feel a tight grip on my arm I get thrown to the wall
Mich: are you crazy huh you think you can do my job
Aliah: ow mich I'm sorry I wasn't trying to
Her grip got tighter I wince in pain
Mich: don't ever try that shit again don't you ever try do you hear me
I stand there tryna answer but nothing is coming out and my eyes are watering
And my arm is getting numb from how tight her grip on my arm is
Tears streaming my down my face my breathing get unsteady I feel like imma faint and next thing I know everything went dark I wake up and I look around I see I'm on a couch I sit up and see I'm in someone's house I see a glass of water and I drink it I put my head in my hands 

I stand up I almost fall I stand back up and I walk a little and gain my streath I walk around and start looking through the house trying to see if I remember this house I begin to walk into a room when a hand grabs my hand and closes the door back I turn around and see mich my boss

Mich: you shouldn't be snooping in people's houses now should you
Aliah : i...I'm sorry um did I get here
Mich: I brought you here not trying to scare you its just you scared me when u passed out
Aliah: oh I'm sorry I just can't take yelling very well
Mich: you don't have to apologize its ok I'm sorry for scaring you I just don't like when people try to take over my job
Aliah: i...i...I wasn't trying to
I look down with tears in my eyes
Mich: I know I'm sorry
I stayed looking down so she doesn't see my tears
Mich: look at me please
She grabs my face and make me look at her
Mich: I'm sorry whats wrong
Aliah: .....
Mich: what is it tell me
Aliah: n...nothing can you just take me to my car
Mich: I'm sorry yea come on
She let's go of me and we walk to the car I get in and look out the window not talking I can feel mich looking at me every now and then we arrive in the parking lot next to my car I wait for to unlock the door she unlocks it and I open the door ab to get out as she grabs my arm
Mich: I'm really sorry
I nod and get out I shut her door and begin walking to my car till I feel someone grab me
Mich: do you believe me
Aliah: mhm
Mich: listen I'm sorry I wasn't trying to hurt you I swear
Aliah: it's ok ms.mich I'm ok I'll be at work tomorrow on time
Mich looks at me in a apologetic and hurt way I pat her on her cheek and get in the car as she just stands there and watch me drive off

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