The Drive

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Mich pov

I wait till she drives off to follow behind her can me a stalker and anything else but I know when aliah is lying I be careful so she doesn't notice me I follow behind a car or two I can't stand the thought of just letting her go knowing she's not ok knowing she is possibly harming her self or someone is doing this to her

Let there be someone they are fucking dead I'm not playing aliah is to sweet and generous and beautiful to let someone ruin her face or how she is I hate it when she lies to me but I think she is scared of me because of that one day I stil feel guilty for that I hope I'm not the reason she looks like this

Aliah pov

I arrive home and get out the car I walk to the door and take a deep breath preparing for the worst I put the keys in and open the door

Aliah: Alexandra you home

Aliah: AHHHH

I fall down from a slap

Alexandra: where tf have you been

Aliah: ow

She grabs my hair tightly and snatches my head back I groan in pain

Alexandra: lie again

Aliah: i..I'm not

* She slaps her again

Aliah: owww I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

I cry in pain from her slaps and the grip that's still on my hair

Alexandra: I caller your job it's under construction so where did you go

Aliah: to the Cafe



Alexandra: you know your lucky I need you around or else I would've killed you by now

Aliah: do it

I whisper

Alexandra: what speak up

Aliah: I said DO IT KILL ME DO IT

I slap her with my heels she grabs her eye in pain and let's me go I get up and try to run she chases after me I slip on the floor and try to crawl away but she grabs my feet I scream as she pulls me to the basement I try to grab walls and hold i get a good grip on the cabinet door till it breaks off I kick her arm andshe let's go I get up and run to the kitchen

She trys to come near me I throw a glass cup at her she laughs and keeps walking I grab another one and it hits her head she grabs her head din pain and I try to run to the door

Alexandra: Ahh YOU BITCH

She comes after me holding her head I try to open the door it opens and I run out till she grabs my hair and fall back down tripping over the door step I scream while she is trying to drag me back in I hold on to the door frame as tight as I could


I let go and she slams the door I cry as she drags me through the broken glass

Aliah: ah please someone help me please

Mich pov

I see her get ou the car and stand at the door before going in I see the door shut and I sit there for a little to see if she leaves I hear stuff going on in her house i was about to get out but I waited a little longer until I seen the door open and aliah running out and a hand pulling her back in I get out the car as soon as the door closes back I bang on the door

unexpected job [EXPLICIT] +18Where stories live. Discover now