mich house

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Mich pov

I went on a run I get back to house all sweaty I unlock the door and walk in but it's unsettling quiet I set my keys down and walk upstairs quietly I clench my gun and walk around through the house I then get to the bedroom and see liah isn't there I walk to the bathroom here noise in the closet I slowly walk up


I jump and turn around to see aliah standing there with a huge smile on her face but if she right there then who's in the closet I look at her then turn back around and walk closer to the closet till I'm pushed my aliah she stands infront of the door blocking it

Mich: what are you doing move

Aliah: no

Mich: aliah I don't got time for your games move

Aliah: well good thing I'm not playing any

Mich: ugh aliah what are you hiding

Aliah: nothing....

Mich: aliah what's in thr closet

Aliah: nothing

Mich: aliah move

Aliah: NO

Mich: if you don't move I'll shoot you and who ever is in my closet

Aliah: you wouldn't dare

Mich: oh you think so

I point my gun right at her head and press it against it she stares me in my eyes and I stare back is she trying to intimate me we stand there in silence for a second

Aliah: pull the Tigger

Mich: don't tell me what to do

My finger wears around the Tigger 

Aliah: pull it kill me mich

Mich: ugh shut up

I put the gun down and put it back on my waist

Aliah: that's what I thought

Mich : shut the fuck up who tf is in the closet

Aliah : no one

I push her out of the way and open the door I don't see nothing till I get jumped on and fall to the floor something starts licking me and aliah laughs I open my eyes and see a dog

Mich: what tf aliah why is this here

Aliah: I wanted it

Mich: didn't we talk about this

Aliah: yeah but it was so cute and the other dogs are to big

Mich: exactly why I said no

Aliah: aww come on mich just this one time let it slide

Mich: NO

Aliah: pleaseeeeeeee I won't ask for anything else

Mich: no

Aliah: ugh mich fuck you

Mich:  you always do

She gives me a death stare and walks out
I get up and look for her I find her in the kitchen

Mich: aliah

She ignores me

Mich: don't ignore me

She looks at me and flips me off and walks back toward the stairs I grab her and grab her neck

Mich : don't ignore me I'm not playing

unexpected job [EXPLICIT] +18Where stories live. Discover now