first shifit

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Aliah pov

I wake up and start getting in the shower and do my hair and start getting dressed I didn't eat today I just didn't feel like it today I put on a suit I had so blouse under that had my boobs pushed up and I put on a waist trainer and put my suit jacket on and put on my pants and grab my flats I put on jewelry and spray on my perfume I grab my keys and walk out the house

Mich pov

I walk into the office and go straight to the my office and sit at my desk I can't stop thinking ab aliah I feel so bad of how I yelled at her and made her pass out I hope she comes into work today I didn't mean it I wish I could go back and change that I start working and I hear the door open

Ms.logan : hello Ms.mich um sorry to interrupt but you secretary quit
I slam my hands on the desk making ms.logan jump I rub my temples
Mich: thank you for telling me ms.logan um you may clock out today just tell everybody it's day off ok thank you
Ms.loagn : ok um have a nice day ms.mich
She walks out and the door shut a few hours pass and I walk out to go to the lobby I get a cup of coffee and walk back I look around the office it's quiet and empty I decide to walk back to my office I sit there stressed trying to find a new secretary when the doors open

Aliah : hey Ms.Mich um this paper doesn't make since to me

I look up and see aliah what is she doing here I told everybody to go home

Mich: oh um Ms.Boldmen what are you doing here I said everybody could go home

Aliah: I know I just wanted to get work done but can you help me also here are all the papers you wanted me to get done

She walks over to my desk and sets down a deck of papers there's at least a thousand papers there I don't know how she got it done

Mich: um yeah let me see

She hands me the paper I look at it and I read "fuck you" I raise my eyebrow and I can hear aliah trying to hold back her laughter

Mich: hm very funny ms.boldmen

Aliah: I'm just kidding I'm trying to lighten up the mood

Mich: well it's very lighten now why are you here

Aliah: I told you I was gonna be at work today didn't I

Mich : but...

Aliah: ah no forget about  yesterday ok it was my fault

She starts to take off he jacket to get comfortable and I look at her arm and see a dark ring around it

Mich: .... did...did I do that

She looks down like she forgot and pulls the jacket back up noo um I hurt myself yesterday cooking ha

Mich: take it off

Aliah: wha no we don't need to do that

Mich : listen aliah I'm not playing take it off

Aliah: o...o..ok ok

She takes her jacket off and puts it on the chair

Mich: come here

Aliah pov

I walk to her and stand right in front of her she stands up and I look up forgetting how tall she is she grabs my arm I wince in pain she looks at me with a stern look

Mich: imma ask you again did I do this

Aliah: um...

I look down afraid to answer she wasn't suppose to see I was healing it so she wouldn't

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