He sun, for sorrow, will not show his head: Go hence (Chapter 1)

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He basked in the trivial amount of sunlight that leaked through his blinds, for he had no intentions to execute his morning regime. Thankfully bygone are the days where he compelled himself to awake at the first shaft of light, just to eat some slop and trek his way to school promptly thereafter, which now looking at it in retrospect is utterly revolting. He stared at the faded, outmoded photograph in the corner of his desk, which it seemed to gleam in the interim of the sunrise. He always seemed to house a vigorous distaste for sunrise's, especially what they signify. 

Romily, the maid, in a quite unforseen and possibly impudent fashion rushed in, 'Mr. Snow!' she sputters, 'Would I precise to presuppose you've been procrastinating all morning?' she asks. 'If you continue your lotier,  Beckett will have to accost the Reaping Day oration', she follows. 

Snow found this rather irksome, as he felt as if this was a distinctive jab at him. Some may  argue he holds a disdain to most people,however that is a treacherous lie, he holds a disdain over a infinitesimal sum of people, As no one is as intellectual stimulating as the Coriolanus Snow. 
The Snow name was jeopardized when his son, Beckett began showing his traits, as he had a shrew, attractive father and a  grim excuse for a astray mother.
Thankfully, however Beckett turned out with star qualities, and could one day possibly pose a threat to his own father, if a restriction not placed on his pedagogy.

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