Evermore thanks.. the exchequer of the poor(Chapter 2)

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Anna- Rae bid farewell to the cloak of night, to Anna, there can be truly nothing more prepossessing than a sunrise. Each sunrise is unique to each day, some can depict the beauty of life, and some can depict the ruinous state of one's life. Anna's mind cannot help but wander to the quote that had been plastered flawlessly on one of the walls of the hob. 

"A glooming peace this morning with it brings; The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head: Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things; Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished"

A symphony of hues gleam over District 12. All feels utterly fair when surrounded by the native District 12 beauty, sparsely dew- kissed grass, and a ballet of elegance.  The local populace found themselves seeking freedom in nature, as freedom was rather scarce in Panem. 

Despite District 12 being a close knit community, a vast majority of the merchants had a unspoken distaste for the Donner's, especially the dynamic duo; Maysilee and Anna Rae Donner. 
However their distaste not arbitary. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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