A Simple Introduction

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Famine pov

I awoke to the annoying sound of yelling and bickering. Curious, i step out of my room to see an argument in swing between second and fourth which was distinctly noticeable because of their long cloaks.

"I just can't wait for tonight the ball is going so be so much fun and we get to dress up all fancy-"

"Do you ever stop talking its very aggravating that you don't seem to stop"

"You dont have to be so mean to me i was only excited "

Second let out a sigh. "Where are the other two at-"

"Ohh look theirs one, hi its about time you got up."

"Uhh hi, what time is it"

"Ohh its umm... 10:00 am .....i think"

"Think?" I questioned,

this time second answered "We are currently in a different realm other than that of the human world, time is different here , now that our wake , ill go find first then we can begin."

"Oh Begin What!"

"You'll Find out later"

with that she left and i was soon alone with forth.

"Anyways whats your name!"

I was shocked at how childish she was, how is it that she is conquest. I soon be came lost in my thoughts...

"Hey! Are you okay" taken back by the sudden out burst. I looked around and noticed that first and second had all ready gotten back.

"Follow me"

Second then took lead and we followed closely navigating though the long endless hall ways which seem strange almost like a maze. We kept walking untill we stop at, a set or twin door each side mocking the other perfectly. She pushed the doors slowly open to reveal a large library of sorts. Shelves of books covered all four of the walls and in the center was a large table with many chairs surrounding it. Fourth broke the silence which i didn't realize had settled around us

"I don't Like books ,their always boring "

no one seemed to pay attention to her comment. We simply sat down in the many chairs around the table, well at least fourth and i sat down while first and second remained standing.

"I suppose first we should start with introductions, i am second you may call me zwei-"

"Really zwei is just German for two not much originality or a name for that matter"

"SHUT UP , YOU ARE SIMPLY A STUPID CHILD AND SHOULD NOT BE CASTING JUDGEMENT APON OTHERS!" zwei snapped but quickly regained composer,and sighed.

"Who is next"

This time it was first who spoke

"I am first, my name is Jake."

Ohh me next i am fourth ,but my name is totally Bellona ,ok your turn third "

"Umm... my name is Loukas"

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