chapter two

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"And I don't get along with anyone. Maybe I'm the problem. Maybe I'm the problem"
- TV by Billie Eilish

I was on the couch next to Pony and Johnny as we watched tv. Darry was on the arm chair, two-bit was on the floor. Soda and Steve played card games in the dining room. Dallas was in the restroom. I started to fall asleep on my palm. My arm held my head up while rested against the couch.

Out of nowhere I felt my head fall onto the arm rest
"oww" I muttered quietly as i picked my head up and rubbed the side of it. "that's what you get for eating my food- now scoot over" Dallas said. God- why are we always fighting I thought as scooted over.

Dallas sat down next to me and I started dozing off again. In my last moments before I passed out I felt my head rest on something to the side.

time skip

The sun poured through the blinds and I rubbed my eyes and groaned in annoyance. Waking up was my least favorite thing. I hated mornings. I looked around and saw johnny sleeping on the arm chair. When i looked fully ahead of me i saw my feet resting on dallas lap. i laughed quietly to myself as i got up.

"you woke me up" dallas muttered as he rubbed his eyes. "morning sleeping beauty" I laughed and took the cover off of me. "shut the fuck up" he said before yawing. I stood up and stretched before walking to the kitchen. "rach" dallas said as he got up and walked over to me. "what?" I opened a beer and started drinking it. i turned around and leaned on the counter as i looked at him. "i hope you know- i still had your guts" he said with a yawn before grabbing pouring himself a cup of water.

"ha ha very funny" i said before kicking the back of his leg and walking away. I walked into pony's room and saw soda asleep. "shit it's monday" i rolled my eyes remembering i'd have to go back to school soon. I left the room and and walked back to the living room.

john laid on the arm chair and i looked at the scar on his made me think about bob, then socs, then me being a socs. I'm in a greasers house, on the greaser side of town, and i'm supposed to be home. Who cares? i thought to myself as my eyebrows narrowed

"what's got you actually thinking" dallas said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "nothin- i should get home" i sighed as i grabbed my platforms and slid them on.

"whatever" he said as he turned on the tv then sat down. I got up and walked out of the house. I didn't feel like driving, or going home. My parents are gonna skin me if they find out I was in jail for most of there trip.

Little bit of information on that- my parents have been gone on a business trip for the first 2 months then went on a vacation a few weeks s after. They went to California! They have been gone for 3 months and won't be back for another. One of those months I was living normally, the other 2 I was in jail.

I'm glad they aren't around- even when they where in Tulsa we rarely talked because i was rarely home. Even when we did it would end up in fights- especially me and my mom. I fight with a lot of people.

as I made it back to my place. It was huge for just me, my parents are gone so much they let me have the biggest room. I have a white house with blue shutters, a room overlooking a lake that my dad would paint in, a big porch that wraps around the entire house. I would drink tea and watch sunsets a lot.

The outside is gorgeous and so is the inside it's just..empty. I parked my car and once i made it inside my room and just laid on my bed with no words, no music, nothing. My house made me depressed.

My room had the look over the lake, big windows that opened up. I had a nice bed with white frame and bed bored, a light blue canopy, small carpet on the side that was a circle with swirls of colors inside. A white vanity, and a white desk.

Clothes laid in my walk in closest floor, and my bedroom floor. Empty pill bottles, cigarettes, ash trays, empty beer bottles and cans. Almost completely like my car- just with tons of posters

"i'm bored!" I yelled into my pillow. when i was alone i was completely different, not as cocky and confident. Not loud. I got up and went to my closet, pulling out a thin sleeping gown. I threw off my clothes and pulled that on.

I grabbed my chair from my vanity and pulled it to my window. I sat down and admired the view. The lit cigarette hung from my mouth and I took a long drag, letting it out from my nose. I'm happy no one sees me like this, so quiet. Deep into thought.

When i'm alone i think of my dad. Robert jorge Garza. Yeah i have a hell of a mexican dad. My mom met him in Texas, down by the border. He didn't know english and she taught him- becoming friends in school. When she was an actual person, she was kind. I think about that person a lot- where has she gone?

Me and my dad loved each other- the only stable thing in my whole family. When my mom started her shit he spilt. I wonder if he thinks about me..does he think of me how often i think of him? I don't blame him for leaving, i blame him for not taking me.

Now my mom is happily married to some old rich creep- i didn't grow up in Tusla. I grew up in Austin texas. We moved when i was 10 to Tuslas for clint. My step dad. He's a asshole and a creep. We fight a lot.

yet again- i fight a lot with most people. Maybe im the problem when it come to people. Maybe i should just live in the woods and hide away from society...yeah..that sounds nice.

"I have a white house with blue shutters, a room overlooking a lake that my dad would paint in, a big porch that wraps around the entire house. I would drink tea and watch sunsets a lot."
- The Notebook
small spin on it but mostly the same

if u actually wanna read this it's gonna be moved to my main acc Mikuisthebest
- ur fav misa

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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