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Hi guys i hope all are doing good..... 

I am expecting some comments on chapter but it's ok.. let's get in to the new chapter

I am so happy guys that the first chapter reached 1k views... thanks for your support although i made many mistakes you guys supported me.... 

Author's Pov, Pradvi: 10 years

Pragna is sitting beside pradvi and explaining her some tough maths problem... as it is sunday advaith is reading some articles sitting infront of them..

Pragna: baby after substituting you should do elimination... 

Pradvi: mamma why do all this.. why can't i just write a small code in my lap..

Pragna: baby without the basic things there is no coding first understanding the concept is needed... you will write code but how you know the result is the correct one.. so you need to learn concept to get the correct answer... ok

Pradvi pouted but listening to pragna attentively..

advaith silently got up from his seat and went towards kitchen and told maids to leave cooking to him... 

pragna and pradvi deeply drowned in studies... 

after completing cooking advaith looked at time it's already lunch time

Advaith: my ladies it's already lunch time come and feed your tummies

he shouted from kitchen

Pragna & Pradvi: just one problem

without knowing..... pragna's vocals left the words

Advaith: you can do it after eating

Pradvi: just give me 2 min papa

after completing they both walked towards dinning table

Pradvi: papa you cooked today

Advaith: yes my princess

Pragna mouth watered seeing her favorite food

All seated and started eating....pragna trying very hard to control her moans

Pradvi: when will arjun uncle comes back from grandma's house

Advaith: evening princess

Pragna is not even listening what they are talking she is so into the food

Pradvi: mamma eat slowly no one is going to take your food

pradvi and advaith laughed seeing pragna all stuffed

Advaith: your mom looking so cute right

Pradvi: am i not?

pradvi pouted

Advaith: you too princes you are more cute than your mamma

pragna is not at all listening their words...

after eating pradvi slept... pragna is working on her laptop...

Advaith looking at pragna very keenly...

Advaith: hmm i listened that you went to check on testing department

Pragna: hmm

Advaith: is everything good

Pragna: hmm

Advaith moved close to her

Advaith: look at me

But pragna ignored his words... he turned her towards himslef..

Advaith: don't ignore me

Pragna just looking at him....

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