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Hi guys i hope all are doing good.. don't forget to vote, share, comment.

Sorry for the late guys. I am feeling so tired these days.. 

Let's get into the most important part of the story..


Pragna's Pov,

A week with him.. is really so tiring... he is a devil in the form of human.. but i enjoyed our time.. having meals together, watching movies.. although we both are not interested.. playing games.. doing gardening.. we even danced.. i am so shy to dance infront of him.. but he didn't let me go until i dance with him.. sleeping in his arms.. I shared my US life things with him.. how me and granny used to go out and cook lunch.. I asked him about his brother and archana sis.. i also spend time with little pranav.. i really like him a lot.. the past two weeks with him is really a new feeling for me.. his every touch and word is new to me.. i feel i am so lucky but still i have some weird feeling in me.. like why he accept me after all these years.. if there is any other person in his place he might be already married.. but why he.. did he love me that much.. even ready to stay for me for whole life..!!

i am drowned in my thoughts under hot shower.. suddenly i listened washroom door knock..

Advaith: pragna..

I turned off the shower and covered myself with towel..and said loudly..

I: i will be out in a minute..

Advaith: ok come fast

i dried my self and wore my clothes and came out.. i fastly applied minimal makeup.. and  went down.. i saw him sitting on dinning table with a coffee.. i sat beside him.. we both ate our breakfast in pleasant atmosphere..

we both went to company... i saw the team members working on some software.... afternoon we ate lunch... 

the days running fastly.. i mingled with team very well.. and i learn some new things.... i enjoyed everything.. but the thing is he is still acting cold.. i know i am the reason for his behavior but human's are selfish right.. same goes for me.. i wish he is a little open to me.. i know i am also like that only.. i don't know what to talk with him.. and he never started any conversation.. it's really weird for me to start the conversation.. but in past he is not like this.. ha.. i always mess up my life.. 

it's been a month since we recoiled our too broken relation.. although everything seems good.. internally i am really struggling.. today after so many years i am going to see his parents... i hope they won't scold me to death... I am really afraid of aunty.. she looks like a strict business woman.. my mother is somewhat better than her.. i hope she won't scold me.. for treating her son like that.. oh god i hope i won't mess up anything...

My thoughts suddenly struck by his touch.. his hands circled around my waist.. 

He: what are you thinking so deeply... 

I: oh.. hmm.. i am afraid...

He loosened his hold and turned me towards him..

i am looking down.. i am feeling so much weird..

He: afraid.. my mother won't eat you..

I: it's not like that..

He lifted my chin.. and suddenly pressed his lips on me..

i closed my eyes letting him to do what ever he wants.. 'as if you can stop him..' my mind mocked me..

he let me breath in the middle... 

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