13| The diary

171 3 23

Type of this chapter: -fluff

It was requested by mykoffi 

I hope this will be sm you wanted



Kai's POV:

So i was alone in the monastery cause the others went on a mission without me. They said that my powers could be really dangerous in that field.

I was scrolling in my phone but it was pretty boring now. I watched TV but it started to get boring. "It so unfair!! I should've went with them. Now im here alone and all the things are boring."

I went outside but it started raining heavily. "Great just great! Now i can't even train!" I was mad. I went to my room. I thought maybe i can find something to play with.

"There's nothing good here!" I then had the silly idea to look everyone's room if they had something. I walked ti Lloyd's room. I looked in it. "Its green like always. And Black. Swords. Books. A lot of pillowmints, that i dont want to eat or I'll be dead." I went out of his room.

I then saw Pixal's room. I couldn't find anything. Then to Zane's. Nothing. Jay's room. Nothing. It was boring. Im too scared to go to Nya's room. T-T

Then the last person remains. Cole.

Btw Wu's room was nothing so.....

Anyway i went to my friend's room, and searched. I looked everywhere when i saw a diary?! Since when Cole had a diary. I wanted to read it but it would be really rude mean and the others.

I had enough courage to open it. I started reading.

'Friday, 25, may

So i slept good as always and i was the latest one to wake up. I smelled pancakes. Mhhm. My favourite. I went downstairs when i saw those beautiful Amber eyes in the kitchen.... I had a crush on him since we met... but I'll write this secret later.'

I read. "Cole has a crush? He's.... gay? Wait amber eyes. Im the only one with amber eyes. But i don't think he likes me back. Its just...." I stopped talking and read more.

'Saturday, 26, may

I wake up again. It was training day. I ate breakfast then i went to the countriyard[this is how you spell it?!], then sensei made us in pairs.
Lloyd - Jay
Me - Nya
Kai - Zane
Pixal just watched us but she helped sometimes. When me and Nya ended our fight she said she wants to talk to me. I went After her and she already knew my secret...'

"Damn Cole! Whats ur secret already?!" I shouted but not too loud. "Wait i remeber this day. It was last weekend." I said and i saw the next page.

'Sunday, 27, may

Sensei told us that we can have this day as a lazy sunday so we could do whatever we wanted. I went to play prime empire and someone wanted to join. It was Kai. Oh god. He had so beautiful eyes. They were so pretty. I played with him and i beat him 100x. He yelled at me. It was cute tho...'

I just sat here and i blushed. He likes my eyes?! Oh... i should Read the next chapter.

'Monday, 28, may

So i already had this secret. But im too scared to write it. What if someone finds my diary? I didn't want to risk it. Im just scared. What if he rejects me....? I don't want to imagine that. So today it was just him and I in the monastery. Lloyd went somewhere with sensei. Jay Nya Pix and Zane had a double date. Misako was with Lloyd too. So it was just Him and I. I was freaked out.... I want to cuddle him so bad....'

"Didn't i was the one who was alone with Cole monday?! He wants cuddles? Why?" I thought myself and countinued what i did before.

'Tuesday, 29, may

I think im ready to revail My secret. Im in love with My teammate. Kai. He is so handsome and beautiful. When he is angry he is adorable. I want to Kiss him. I want to think he likes me back.... I want to.... Oh how embrassing this will be. I want to f*ck him. I don't want more. I want to be his boyfriend. I want to date with him. Kiss with him. Cuddle up with him in bed. It would be just us... just us.... No one more.'

I was a tomato. "I didn't know Cole feels this way. He has the same feeling as me. I wanted to Kiss him. Hug him. And f*ck him. Ohhh. I thoght he would reject me. What should i do?" i said to myself.

"Kai?" I terrified... i looked up and saw a red Cole. "H-Hi?" I chuckled akwardly. "What are you doing. You didn't read it all did you?" He asked me. I was red. I put his diary back to the table and i sat on his bed. "I just read till last tuesday." I looked up a bit and i saw Cole was super red.

"How long?" I was curious for his answer. He looked nervous. He sat on the bed besides me. Our eyes met. "Since..." he only said that. "Since when?" I asked him not looking away. He looked to the floor. "Since i saw your beautiful face." I was shocked.

I moved a bit closer to him. Our hands met. He looked at me. I moved more closer. "Can i sit in your lap?" I asked him with My non-famous puppy eyes. Only Nya knew abaut them. "What?!" He asked became more red. "I asked. Can i sit on your lap?"

He nodded and i sat on his lap. "Why did you want to sit on my lap?" He asked. I smiled at him. "To do this." Then i grabbed his collar bone and pulled him towards me. Our lips met.

I wanted to do this for so long now. In the first i didn't feel him kissing back. But After some time he did.

Cole's POV:

I was shocked that Kai just kissed me. I kissed him back. Oh i wanted to Kiss him since i saw his lips. I wanted to enter his mouth. I wanted his mouth. I licked his lips and he slightly moaned.

I explored his mouth. It was so tasty. I couldn't taste better. It was more tastier than cake. Shocking right?!

I pulled away but i could see he wanted more. "Why did you pulled away? I
started to get good.!" He glared at me i then hugged him. He then hugged back. "Why did you kiss me?" I asked the boy who was still on my lap.

"Because I love you Cole Brookstone." He said. I thought i didn't hear it right but i did. My crush did like me back. I was so happy. "I love you more Kai Smith." I said and i get out of the hug.

"Kai I want to ask something." I told Kai. He smiled and said. "Yes What is it?" I was nervous. I knew Kai liked me back but i was scared he wouldn't want what i want.

"Okay. I have no idea what my future holds, but it would be so cool if u were in it, so...Uh...." I blushed and took
a deep breath but Kai cut me off. "Do you go out with me?" He asked. I was embrassed. "Oh i was already" i felt more embrassed. The boy in my arms chuckled. "Im sorry, im sorry, you can say it." He apologized and laughed a bit. "Okay Kai Smith, do you wanna go out with me?" I asked. He smiled. "YES!!" He said and i kissed him again.

We pulled away. "I love you Mi amaor." He said. It was in Spanish. "What?" He looked at me. "Its My love in Spanish." He said kissing My cheeks. "Well. I love you too babe." I said kissed his forhead.

"Should we tell the others?" Kai asked but someone cut him off. "We already know!!" A girl said and we looked to the door. Everyone was here and they saw us. "YOU CANT SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!" Kai yelled at them. "You two are adorable." Pixal said and She took a picture.

"I feel so embrassed." My new boyfriend said and he put his head on My chest..




~word count: 1446~

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