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   I THINK I HAVE A PROBLEM. How did I end up like this? I don't remember last night at all, I think I might have blacked out once or twice from all the booze, and now just a few minutes ago I woke up in Adrian Pucey's bed. My knuckles are bloody and I barely had any clothes on.

   Maybe what Pansy said wasn't completely wrong.


Walking back to my dorm, I can feel my heartbeat pick up and my hands starting to shake.

I wanna cry.

As I reach my dorm, I already see Blaise sitting there and waiting for me.

"B-blaise?" I stutter while sitting down next to him.

"Merlin what happened to you?" He asks, his eyes widening in horror as he looks at me.

I don't know.

"I-I don't know."

"Are you drunk again?"

I don't react but my body keeps shaking.

"Bloody hell, you absolutely are, what happened?"

"I don't remember, I-I think I blacked out and I woke up in Adrian's bed." I sniffle.

"Did you guys shag?"

"I don't know!" I almost yell, frustrated.

"Come on, put on something more comfortable." He urges.

I look down on myself. I look horrible. My shirt is torn and my pants are not even mine.

He sits down closer, "Do you want me to help you?"

I nod slowly, shaking, and not able to act by myself.

He slowly takes my shirt and pulls it off, giving me enough time to change my mind.

"Ror, is that blood?" He utters slowly, sounding horrified.

I look down once again, my knuckles are full of dried blood. How come I forgot that so quickly? What is happening to me.

"I don't think it's m-mine."

"Is that supposed to be reassuring me?"

"I'm s-sorry." I shrug slowly.

He slowly then also takes off my pants and he seems as if he'd seen a ghost after I put on some comfortable clothes again, "Aurora?"


"When was the last time you ate a full meal?"

I think for a moment and shake my hand, "I dunno."

"And when was the last time you were sober?"

"I-I dunno."

He knows.

"You are drinking your breakfast, lunch and dinner."

"It's n-normal, I'm a teenager, I'm just e-experimenting."

"This isn't normal, this isn't the way normal people would act."

"I-I'm sorry."

"Hey, you don't need to apologize, I'm just worried about you." He says while taking my chin and making me look him in the eyes.

"Yeah, I'm worried about me too."

"We gotta get you sober."

"P-please don't make me. It's the only way for me not to remember everything." I sniffle and suddenly I notice hot tears running down my cheeks, "It hurts so much to remember."

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