Chapter 12: Grim Discoveries

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Note: This chapter is heavily inspired and copies parts of a story called Wolves Den written by Owens2cool. Please read the story and give him a like and a follow.
In addition, Tony, Cat's Fortuna Radio, and this dialogue is done and owned by a great helper from Discord by @smeariergold7. Plz give him a like, kay thaaaaaanks

After the incident last night, Theo couldn't help but worry a bit about it during the end of his morning shift. About how Bernard described it...  a furred creature... of course, he didn't ask his pal to describe it further but still... something didn't sit right with him...

Well... maybe he just got attacked by a feral dog. He does live in the slums afterall. Either way, he decided to check out the news radio once more...

"You are listening to Cat's Fortuna Radio, your number 1 radio since 1989, I am your host Tooonny! Now I got some good news to brighten up your sunny day folks. Ever since the mayor had started a funding campaign for the disaster stricken city of Cicero, they have contributed over one hundred thousand dollars from that city alone. Such success has inspires other cities of Illinois to contribute to this noble cause. Some say its about time Chicago does something good for once, however I think Chicago has always been an alright city. It is a shame however that it's nicknamed the Capital of Murder, but I feel like that can change, given enough time and effort. In fact, one of the locals here agrees and has this to say about the events that are occurring."

"In all honesty, considering the homicide rates, I grew to not care about anyone anymore. Way I saw it, better to not build something that'll get broken down shortly afterwards. However, with all the fundings going to Cicero, I think I may have been mistaken. Perhaps I should give friend making... one more try."

"While I certainly can't blame them for being so reluctant, I also believe that it is still worth making friends at the end of the day. And now I got a question for you folks. Have you ever kissed a girl cause Katie Perry did and she liked it like how you'll like the song were about to play."

As Tony started the song, Theo couldn't help but calm down a bit. Maybe it was just his mind being paranoid and that's it. Regardless, he finishes up his day, seeing Shane acting normal and hearing the two co-workers gossip about how something smells wierd at some of the offices... not that it mattered much as he wanted to return home... but as he came out of the building and was about to return home, night was near and his phone rang. It was Bernard's voice that came out from the phone once he answered.

Bernard sounded... different... deeper voiced... either way, he sounded extremely distressed and terrified as he spoke. "T-Theo... thank God you picked up! I... I don't even what's going on with me and I need help."

"Bernard? What's going on? Where are you?" Theo asked, looking and sounding concerned...

His friend calmed down a little... though the deeper voice still remained., "I-I'm at the slums near your home. I need... I..." For some reason... he stopped talking as Theo heard the phone drop on the floor... and the faint screaming from someone...

Needless to say, Theo was worried about the events that happened as he ran out of the apartment to find him. He wondered what caused that to happen. So much so he forgot to bring his gun with him.

While Theo went out searching for him, a black furred werewolf... in his friend's clothes was looking completely feral as he devours what seems to be a woman, bones and all... as if... he couldn't even think anymore... just simply act... why was he devouring this woman...? Why did he kill her...? But he couldn't think about these questions, let alone having an answer for them. Just then, the black werewolf's ears perked up before starting to sniff around...

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