Chapter 3: New Hired Troubles

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Note: This chapter is heavily inspired and copies parts of a story called Wolves Den written by Owens2cool. Please read the story and give him a like and a follow, kay thaaaaaanks

Alas... it was the big day, he sat at his desk, wearing the new security outfit, happy he's officially in a job that ain't being a cashier at some garbage dump fire that was McRolands, especially since he heard the manager got arrested at the news for cutting parts of Nora and Connor's pay for the past few months. Even he actually felt sorry for them, considering how that McRolands is now permanently closed. Either way, hopefully everyone can get a job somewhere else, especially Bernard since he was a half decent person at least.
"Okay... now to get my Swatch... got a few games I wanna play if possible." He then grabbed his Swatch, his phone, his mobile charger for each, and most importantly a large, reusable bottle of water and some granola bars before leaving his apartment.

As he gotten near Howling Hugs, he heard his phone ringing, music from some popular crime game being played... yup... that's Bernard. "Eyo? How ya doing?" Theo happily said as he entered inside, getting past some of the employees, including a janitor.

"Ya checked the news recently, man?!" Bernard asked, sounding somewhat pleased as well. "That old fossil's behind bars now, and we gotten some minor compensation from the McRolands Franchise. Not enough to take a weekly vacation but enough to help us find new job..."

"That's... that's amazing." Theo happily replied as he looks at the elevator. "Maybe nows a good time to do some tryouts at a professional soccer team."

"You bet ya ass I'm taking this opportunity, man! Of course, I'm at a homie's apartment since my room got infested with rats so good luck on your slow job, man and take care!"

Theo smirked happily. "Thanks! Hope ya make it, homie!" He then closes the call as he gets into the elevator. After a minute of listening to the music in the elevator, being the music from a roblox game called Doors, he eventually made it to where he needs to be... soon to be greeted by a well
dressed but blonde mullet having man that also happens to be wearing sunglasses.

"Yoooooo you must be Teo." The Ceo called out, sounding like a hippie... probably.

"It's Theo, but yeah
I'm Theo." Teo responds, looking somewhat confused.

"Greaaaat, I'll show you around then..." The Ceo then goes on to show Theo around the building then finally after like
10 minutes, his security office. "So anyways, place is easy to navigate and we got a nice old lady that helps us and bakes some good cookies... anyways, that right there is Richard, or Richas, he works soooo hard and that's why YOU were hired" Clark says as he points to a crudely made doll.

'... okay... so I'm dealing with a looney... that should be nothing, right?' Theo thougt to himself silently for a few seconds. "...Coooooooollll..." Theo discreetly lied, giving off a fake but believable smile.

The Ceo, with a cheery look, looks at the doll that is Richard and shakes it slightly. "Yo Rich, the new night guard is here, you can go home now."

... evidently... the doll doesn't respond. Gee, I wonder why.

"Eeehhh I think he might be asleep." Theo tells the Ceo, believing he is nailing the lying part quite well.

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