Chapter 3: Unseen Ties

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Ayane and Ren's investigation had only just begun, but already the pieces they were uncovering painted a picture far different from the official story. As they continued to probe deeper into Yuuji's past, they discovered that many students were reluctant to speak. Fear lingered in their eyes, and Ayane began to suspect that someone powerful was determined to keep the truth buried.

That morning, Ayane and Ren decided to meet before school to discuss their next steps. They chose a quiet cafe just outside the campus, a place where they could talk without fear of eavesdroppers.

Ren was already there when Ayane arrived, a cup of coffee in hand. He looked up and smiled warmly at her. "Good morning, Ayane."

"Good morning," she replied, sliding into the seat across from him. "Have you found anything new?"

Ren nodded, pushing a folder towards her. "I managed to get my hands on some old student records. There are a few names that stood out—students who were close to Yuuji and have since left the school. We need to track them down."

Ayane opened the folder and scanned the names. "Suzuki Kenji, Nakamura Rei, Tanaka Yui... these are all former students. Do we know where they are now?"

"Some of them are in college, others have moved to different cities," Ren said. "But I managed to get in touch with Kenji. He's willing to meet us this weekend."

Ayane's eyes lit up. "That's great news. Do you think he'll talk?"

Ren shrugged. "I hope so. He sounded hesitant over the phone, but he agreed to meet. It's a start."

As they discussed their plan, Ayane couldn't help but notice how Ren's presence had become a source of comfort for her. His dedication and unwavering support made her feel less alone in her quest. She had always been independent, but having someone she could rely on made a world of difference.

The bell signaling the start of the school day interrupted their conversation. They quickly finished their drinks and headed back to campus, their minds focused on the task ahead.

Classes passed in a blur, and Ayane found herself eagerly anticipating their meeting with Kenji. The anticipation was tempered by the ever-present tension at school. Ren's continued interest in her had drawn the ire of his fan club, and they made no secret of their disdain.

As Ayane walked through the crowded hallway after lunch, she felt a shove from behind. She stumbled but quickly regained her balance, turning to face her aggressor. It was Emi, flanked by several other girls, their faces twisted in contempt.

"Still trying to get close to Ren?" Emi sneered. "You should know your place, scholarship girl."

Ayane squared her shoulders, her expression calm and unyielding. "I'm here to study and uncover the truth. If that bothers you, it's your problem, not mine."

Emi's eyes narrowed. "You think you're so smart, don't you? Just because you're pretty and got a scholarship, it doesn't mean you belong here."

Ayane remained unfazed. "I'm not interested in your petty jealousy. If you have a problem with me, deal with it. But stay out of my way."

The tension in the air was thick, and for a moment, it seemed like things might escalate. But then Ren appeared, stepping between Ayane and Emi.

"Is there a problem?" he asked, his voice calm but with an edge of warning.

Emi flushed and looked away. "No problem, Ren. We were just talking."

"Good," Ren said, his gaze hard. "Because if I hear about any more incidents like this, there will be consequences."

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