Chapter 4: The Notebook's Secrets

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The discovery of Yuuji's notebook marked a turning point in Ayane and Ren's investigation. The small, worn book felt heavy with promise and peril. Back at Ren's house, they sat side by side at his desk, their faces lit by the soft glow of a desk lamp, ready to uncover the secrets Yuuji had entrusted to its pages.

Ren flipped open the cover, revealing Yuuji's neat handwriting. The first few pages were filled with mundane notes—homework assignments, reminders, and doodles. But as they progressed further, the entries became more cryptic, more urgent.

"Look at this," Ren said, pointing to a particular entry dated two months before Yuuji's death.

October 12 Saw them again today. Same black car, parked near the school gates. They're watching me, I'm sure of it. Must be careful. Need to find proof.

Ayane's heart raced as she read the words. "Who do you think 'they' are?" she asked.

Ren shook his head. "I don't know, but we need to find out. Keep reading."

The entries grew darker, detailing strange encounters and mysterious figures.

October 25 Found a hidden file in the school's computer lab. Password protected. Need to find a way in. Could this be what they're hiding?

November 3 Finally cracked the password. Horrifying details inside. Must get copies and keep them safe.

Ren glanced at Ayane. "He must have found something incriminating. Something that could expose whoever is behind all this."

Ayane nodded, her mind racing. "But where did he keep the copies? They're not in the notebook."

They continued reading, hoping for a clue. The entries became more frantic, more fearful.

November 15 They know I've seen it. Can't trust anyone. Not even teachers. Need to be careful. Must protect the evidence.

Ayane felt a chill run down her spine. Yuuji had been terrified, alone in his quest for the truth. She felt a pang of guilt for not being there for him.

"Here, this might be it," Ren said, pointing to an entry dated two days before Yuuji's death.

November 23 If something happens to me, the truth is hidden in the place we used to play. They'll never think to look there.

Ayane's breath caught. "The place we used to play... That must be our old hideout."

Ren looked puzzled. "Hideout?"

Ayane nodded, a bittersweet smile tugging at her lips. "When we were kids, Yuuji and I used to play in an abandoned shed in the woods behind our house. It was our secret place. He must have hidden the evidence there."

Ren stood up, his eyes alight with determination. "Then that's where we need to go. Tonight."

The moon was high in the sky as Ayane and Ren made their way through the woods behind her old house. The path was overgrown, but Ayane's memory guided them. The shed, once a place of childhood laughter and games, now stood as a beacon of hope and fear.

They reached the shed, its wooden frame weathered but intact. Ayane pushed the door open, the hinges creaking in protest. Inside, the air was thick with dust and memories.

"Where do you think he hid it?" Ren asked, shining his flashlight around the dim interior.

Ayane walked to the back of the shed, where an old chest lay covered in cobwebs. "We used to hide our treasures in here," she said, opening the chest. Inside, beneath layers of old toys and forgotten trinkets, she found a small, metal box.

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