Chapter 7: Unmasking the Enemy

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Ayane clutched the recorder tightly as she made her way back to the meeting spot. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Rina's information could be the breakthrough they needed, but it also meant the stakes were even higher. She knew she had to tread carefully.

Ren was waiting for her at the designated spot, his expression tense with worry. As soon as he saw Ayane, relief washed over his face.

"Ayane, are you okay?" he asked, hurrying to her side.

"I'm fine," she replied, holding up the recorder. "And I have something that could help us."

They quickly found a quiet place to listen to the recordings. The room they chose was a seldom-used classroom, the perfect place to ensure privacy.

Ayane pressed play, and the recording crackled to life. They heard snippets of conversations, voices filled with urgency and fear. The voices discussed plans, threats, and cover-ups. One voice in particular stood out—a deep, authoritative tone that Ayane recognized immediately.

"That's Mr. Sugimoto," Ayane whispered, her eyes widening. "He's the head of the school board."

Ren nodded, his expression grim. "This is big, Ayane. If we can tie Sugimoto to the cover-up, it will bring down the entire administration."

They continued listening, carefully noting any names and details that could be crucial to their investigation. Each snippet of conversation added another piece to the puzzle, revealing a web of corruption that extended far beyond what they had initially imagined.

When the recording finished, Ayane and Ren sat in silence for a moment, absorbing the magnitude of what they had just heard.

"This changes everything," Ayane said finally, her voice filled with determination. "We need to get this to Mr. Tanaka and the police immediately."

Ren agreed. "But we also need to be careful. If Sugimoto and his allies find out we have this, they'll do anything to stop us."

Ayane nodded, feeling the weight of his words. They were walking a dangerous path, but there was no turning back now. They had come too far, and Yuuji's memory demanded justice.

That evening, they met with Mr. Tanaka in his office. His face grew graver with each passing minute as he listened to the recordings.

"This is damning evidence," Mr. Tanaka said, setting the recorder down. "But it also means you're in even greater danger. We need to move quickly."

He picked up his phone and made a call to his contact in the police department, arranging a meeting to hand over the evidence. As he spoke, Ayane and Ren exchanged a look, their resolve steeling even further.

When Mr. Tanaka finished the call, he turned to them with a determined expression. "We'll meet with the police tomorrow morning. In the meantime, you both need to stay under the radar. Don't draw any attention to yourselves."

Ayane and Ren nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. They left Mr. Tanaka's office, their minds buzzing with the plans for the next day.

The next morning, Ayane and Ren made their way to the meeting spot, a secluded café on the outskirts of town. Mr. Tanaka was already there, along with his police contact, Detective Nakamura.

Detective Nakamura was a stern-looking man in his forties, with sharp eyes that missed nothing. He listened intently as Mr. Tanaka explained the situation and handed over the recorder.

"This is serious," Detective Nakamura said, his voice low and measured. "We'll launch an investigation immediately, but you need to be prepared. There's no telling how those involved will react."

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