Chapter 2

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"Blaze" my two best friends came. "You're early" Jordan asked

I shake my head "Just came five minutes before you" I said the three of us always set activities every weekend like this unless we had work related emergency or family emergency, it was River's turn to plan, and he planned us softball arcade this time which better than the last time he planned.

"How's the wedding plan going?" I asked Jordan.

He bobs his head "Dream is handing it very well"

"You let Dream do it alone I can't believe you" I say in disbelief

"Ok before you judge me, I'm helping my fiancée it's just not in everything" He defended himself "Geeze you sounded just like her." He added

"Who?" I asks, Jordan looked at me surprise maybe he did not expect me to hear that.

"Nothing man, nothing."

I nodded and shrugged it off. I turn to River in the other booth fixing his gloves. "You how are you doing Rivs?"

He glanced at me with a grin "Doing so fucking fine Blazey. Lala bear is enrolled in a pre-school now you know."

Isla is his and his wife Tala's four-year old daughter, we called her Lala bear. "That's great. Is Tala going back to modeling now?" I asked

"I don't know, she hasn't told me her decision but, whatever she wants I support her hundred percent." He replied

We started playing and we hit the ball just like actual baseball. It's quite stress relieving, I was stressing the whole week in the office, meetings here and there, unfinished work and a lot more, I haven't even stepped back to my house to get a rest. Also, my father is adding some more stress to me. Bugging me to go on the dates he sets for me. Like hell I have time for those bullshit dates. I need this time to release the stress I had this fucking week. If I wasn't the boss and if I wasn't needed to the office for every second, I surely filed a leave now, but its freaking impossible for me to do so.

We took a break after thirty minutes of hitting the ball. I grab the water on my bench. Jordan and River sat down to their benches.

"So how are you, Blaze?" Jordan asks

"I'm good man, work just stressing me out" truthfully.

River glanced at me "That's totally obvious man by looking at you I bet you haven't even slept a wink." He say, which is correct. I feel like a zombie at this point. "That's why I don't want to be the boss" River added

I rolled my eyes at him his dad was passing their company to him the motherfucker refuses it and passes it to his younger brother instead who's fifteen years old that time and he choose to go pro basketball player.

"Anyway, you still seeing and Samantha?" Jordan asks again

Samantha was one of my father's sets for me. Well, we clicked at first, she's smart, she's kind, she's bubbly lady, she is also pretty and she's easy to be with. So, I gave it a try. She's always my plus one in every gathering. We clicked in other ways hobbies, music and other things but sparks weren't there. The connection we had wasn't that strong to level up what we have. After a year of dating, we both decided to end it and remain friends.

"Nope not anymore, we ended things, months ago that's why my father is bugging me to date again."

"Sounds sucks Blaze" Jordan gasped

"It fucking is, what will I gain to if I go on the dates he set up? None but he will benefit from it if it'll worked end up in marriage, his business well benefits a lot from it." I blurted which is true. For my father his business always comes first.

He wanted me to inherit his company like River I refused to. Why? First his terms, one of them is I must marry anyone he sets for me, more like arranged marriage. To me more sounds selling their child for stronger business partnership. Who the hell does that in the era? No one. Second, I don't want to inherit his company, never in my life I dreamed to operate his company, specially we have different values, He values himself first than his employee's. Only three things revolve in his world first himself, second money, lastly business. And I value the people who work for me, without them the company won't operate itself. I value my employees first, next the company, and myself comes last. I really thought if I refused to take his company, he'd stop pushing me to his business partners' daughters. Guess what I'm wrong.

"No offense Blaze, but your father is a dick, who does that in the 21st century?" River said

I chuckled "No offense taken; I agree with you" While Jordan laughed on the other side. And we continued playing.

When we were done Tala, River's wife called and told us to come for dinner since she's with Dream. I rode with them since I did not bring my car, I'm too lazy to drive and they both came together. While on our way we're still catching up. River is driving

"When is the wedding again?" I asked Jordan

"In a month" he responds, I nod "I want to give you a heads up, Freya is coming to the wedding." he added

Hearing her name again for the first time in five years my world stops my heartbeat stops for a moment and everything flashes in my memory. Now she's coming back for Dream and Jordan's wedding after five years since she left me without explanation, she just left and broke my heart.

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