Chapter 4

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Bucky, Steve, Boots, and I are walking across the Brooklyn bridge on our way to see the Brooklyn newsies.

Bucky: I've never been to Brooklyn, you?

Boots: Really? I spent a month there one night.

Jack: Watch this.

I say as I stand over the edge of the Brooklyn bridge. Boots knows what I'm doing and does it along with me. We both yell at the bottom and hear our voice echo.

Bucky: So is this Spot Conlon really dangerous?

Boots and I look at each other and just laugh.


As we walk across the pier boys are jumping into the water, and coming out of it. One of the boys stops in front of us.

Boy: You goin somewhere, Kelly?

We continue walking and he eventually moves out of the way. Above I hear a voice.

Spot: Well, if it ain't Jack be nimble, Jack be quick.

Jack: So you moved up in the world, spot. Got a river view and everything.

Spot hops down from his post above and is now face to face with us. We instinctively spit on our hand and put them together for a handshake.

Spot: Hey, boots, how's it rolling? 

Boots: Here, I got a couple of real good shooters here.

Boots says handing spot some marbles. Spot takes the marble and puts it into his sling shot.

Spot: So, Jackie boy, I've been hearing things from little birds.

Jack: Yeah?

Spot takes the marble back in his slingshot and Bucky backs up immediately trying to not get hit.

Spot: Things from Harlem, queens.

Spot releases the marble and it flies directly into a beer bottle above.

Spot: All over. They're chirping in my ear. Jackie boys newsies bus playing like they're going on strike.

Jack: Yeah, well, we are.

Bucky intervenes.

Bucky: But we're not playing. We are going on strike.

Spot gets in Bucky's face.

Spot: Oh yeah? Yeah? What is this, Jackie boy? Some kind of walking mouth?

I put my hand on Bucky's shoulder.

Jack: Yeah, it's a mouth. But a mouth with a brain. And if you got half of one, you'll listen to what he's gotta say.

Spot sits down.

Jack: Go on, tell him.

Bucky: Well, we started the strike, but we can't do it alone. So we've been talking to other newsies all around the city.

Spot: Yeah. So they told me. But what did they tell you?

Bucky: They're waiting to see what Spot Conlon does. That you're the key. That spot Conlon is the most respected and famous newsie in all of New York. And probably everywhere else. And if spot Conlon joins the strike, then they'll join, and we'll be unstoppable. So you gotta join because- well, you gotta.

Spot turns to me.

Spot: Well, you're right, Jack. Brains. But I got brains too.

Spot stands up.

Spot: And more than just half of one. How do I know you punks won't run the first time some goon comes at you with a club? Who do I know you got what it takes to win?

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