Chapter 1

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Hello, I am Emily Fittes. You've probably already heard of the pandemic. Ghosts kill people by ghost touch, only children can see ghosts, bla, bla, bla. If you don't know that by now, I'm questioning your IQ. Most children have a similar life story. Their parents take care of them for a few years, then they send them to an agency. The children either earn money and feed the family, or they sadly die. Then when they stop seeing ghosts, they move on like everyone else does. They take a sustainable job and they might even raise a family if they want to. Then the whole cycle . That was the original plan for me, until 5 year old me flushed that all down the drain.

My family lived in a city named Plymouth. In Plymouth, my neighborhood all knew each other. The adults would send their children to play near the water during the day. My mother had to work that day. Since my father died from a ghost touch a few years back, my sister, Julia, had to take care of me. Not to say my mom was never there. She was there on the weekends, but just not on the weekdays. So, while my mom was gone, Julia would take care of me.

7 years ago, it was a normal afternoon. My sister took me to the shoreline to play with some other kids. Once it started to get darker, many of the kids left until I was the only one playing with the sand.

"Emily! It's getting dark, time to go home!" Julia called from across the sand.

I was about to go to her, when I heard a sound. It was like a weeping child. I turned around and there it was, a faint blue child. The child had long hair that was down to her shoulders and had a dress on. Of course, 5 year old me didn't really understand the Problem yet. I was as clueless as ever. When I saw the child, the only thought that went through my head was: That child must be very sad if they turned blue. So, like all dumb people, I went towards the ghost. My sister saw me doing this.


Instead of listening to her, I just replied with,


I carefully stepped towards the child while my sister still yelled at me to come back. The "child" looked around my age at the time. Now that I was closer to them, I saw some alarming stuff that 5 year old me didn't process correctly. One thing was the blood on her dress. 5 year old me thought she tripped and fell and that's why she's sad. Well 5 year old me, you clearly didn't know what murder was. Another thing was that she looked see through. Of course, 5 year old me didn't think much of that. The last thing was how the child was floating off of the ground. Hmmmm, lets think, did I,

Think sensibly and know the child wasn't human.


Think she was a superhero that tripped while saving somebody.

I'll tell you it's not A. Even though I wish it was A. So, instead of turning back and listening to my sister, which 90% of the 5 year old population would do, I did what that %10 percent would do. I walked in front of the ghost child and turned towards it. Their hands were in front of their face like it was hiding something.

"Are you okay?" I asked the ghost child, lending a hand to it.

The ghost child turned to me, and lifted their hands away. Now this is one of the 2 main reasons I remember this so clearly. Their faces had blood running down from their eyes. Their eyes were the most horrific part of it though. Their eyes looked like they had been stabbed over and over again 50 times. You could still see the eyeball in the eye sockets, but they just had a lot of bloodied cuts in them. Oh yah, I also forgot how she had a big hole in her head. Mhm, you heard me, a big hole. In her head. Whoever murdered her must have HATED her guts. Anyways, back to 5 year old me. Somehow, I wasn't really fazed. It must have been because I was thinking: What a fall she took. I am currently sitting in my bed writing about this, regretting my life thoughts.

Ehem, back to the story.

I was just standing there, looking directly at the ghost. That's when the ghost spoke something. I couldn't hear at first but then the words came to me.

"Why? Why me?" The ghost child spoke softly.

"It's alright, everyone falls sometimes. I'll bring you to JJ to help you feel better." I foolishly said, lending out my hand.

Behind me, my sister was now screaming at me to run. I almost forgot she was there. At that moment, the ghost child attacked me, coming at me at full speed.

"WHY ME!?" It yelled, while coming at me.

I flinched but it was too late, the ghost rushed through me. That was the day I died.

No, no it wasn't. The ghost just went through me. It was like I was air. The ghost didn't notice it just flew right through me. Instead it went to my sister. Julia threw a salt bomb at it and it was gone. I just stared at Julia. Julia looked like she just saw a ghos- Technically she did see one. Can't use that phrase anymore. Okay, let's redo that. It looked like she just saw someone die in front of her- Actually, she kinda did. Like there's ghost touch and all... OKAY! Let's just say she looked terrified. She ran to me. She looked very surprised to see me not on the ground dying. She took me into a big, warm hug. I was still very confused about what happened. I guess she could see the confusion on my face and explained everything to me.

This was the second reason why I remember this so clearly. That is because this was the day I found out I was immune to ghost touch.   

After my mom found out about the incident she did not let me go to school. She told me this was because she didn't want anybody finding out about me. I asked why, thinking I could help solve the problem. She said that they would test on me with needles and other stuff. I did not like needles.

So for 7 years, I was homeschooled by Julia. I was also taught how to fight by her. This included how to disarm someone, how to get out of someone's hold when they put a knife to your throat, etc. She also taught me different types of ghosts and what the signs are. Whenever my mother was home, she would teach me things too. For example: how to draw, how to cook, etc. So over the years, I grew accustomed to staying home all the time. At night though, when my Mother was asleep and Julia was at her job, which was an agent, I would sneak out of the house to find some ghosts.

Sometimes I would see a Wisp or a Stone Knocker. If I was lucky, I would see an Limbless. They were exciting to watch. Usually they were in a cycle, replaying the same scene over, and over again. It was quite interesting to think who they were before they died. Sometimes I would hear them whimper or scream. Sometimes they would say stuff like,

"Where's my leg!?" or "MY EYE!".

For 30% of the time, they would sense me and come over to me. They would usually attack me, sensing my youth. Of course, they would just go through me. I never really flinched anymore, being used to it.

This was my daily schedule for most of my life. It was until a few months ago, where that all changed in a blink of an eye. 

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