A Surprise for Melody(Alastor's POV)

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Her tone, filled with palpable nervousness, hits me like a punch. Did I say something wrong? I feel a knot of anxiety forming in my stomach. Her gaze, marked by fear, strikes me like a dagger. Why is she afraid? And of what? A sudden unease grips me.

Melody runs away, and without thinking, I jump up from my chair to stop her.

Me: "Melody!"

Angel: "Wait Al... I'll go..."

Angel goes after her, leaving me alone in the dining room, facing my troubled thoughts.

What happened? Melody seemed scared, but not of me. It was as if something had suddenly terrified her. But what? Who could inspire such fear in her?

I collapse back into my chair, overwhelmed by these unanswered questions. Why does Melody occupy my thoughts so much? Why do I feel so bad about her leaving?

After a few minutes of solitude, my shadow awakens me by tapping my shoulder, reminding me of my resolution to apologize for my clumsiness yesterday. But how should I go about it? I'm not used to offering sincere apologies, it's been decades...

I think for a moment. I could give her something, a symbolic gesture to express my regrets. But what?

Suddenly, I see her, crouching in front of the rose bushes, a radiant smile lighting up her face. A rose... Yes, a rose! I could offer her a rose as an apology!

I snap my fingers, clearing the table and tidying up the room before rushing into the garden to pick a rose... Which instantly withers at my touch.

Nifty: "Mr. Alastor! You know you can't touch the flowers in this garden. Miss Charlie and Miss Vaggie forbade you..."

Me: "I forgot, Miss Nifty."

I can't even pick a simple rose for Melody... Frustration grips me.

Nifty: "Mr. Alastor, why do you..."

Me: "I wanted to offer them to Miss Melody to apologize and thank her..."

I feel a warmth spreading in my cheeks, embarrassed by this confession.

Me: "Yes... I discovered that she likes flowers... And I saw her in front of her roses... So..."

Nifty: "Oh! Melody likes flowers? Great!"

Without further ado, Nifty grabs several flowers to form an impressive bouquet. But why is she intervening like this? It's my task to give her flowers...

Nifty: "I'll put them in her room... She's going to love it!"

I feel a pang of anger rising within me, but I hold it back. I mustn't let my emotions show, especially those I don't understand...

Me: "Miss Nifty, could you help me with this rose?"

Nifty: "Uh... Yes, Mr. Alastor, but I'd like you to help me in return... I also want to thank Melody, and since she's just arrived at the hotel, I don't think there's much in her room... I've already gathered a few things from the others and the attic... I'd like to give them to her by putting them in her room..."

Me: "Tell me what you want, Nifty."

Nifty: "Can you help me put all her things in her room?"

The idea of entering her room makes me nervous. The mere thought of seeing her sleeping face again makes my heart race. But I want this rose...

Me: "Alright, Miss Nifty, I'll help you with your project."

Why did I agree? Why does this rose matter so much to me?

My Demon, My Angel (OC x Alastor) and Others English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now