Back at the hotel ( Melody/Romane's POV)

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Back at the hotel, I walked through the door with a sigh of relief, hoping my absence had gone unnoticed. Suddenly, Angel burst onto the scene with a theatrical exclamation.

Angel: "We're back! No need to worry anymore! Everything's just fine, of course."

I entered a bit embarrassed, shooting Angel a reproachful glance. "Could you have been any louder?"

Once inside, I noticed the relief on everyone's faces, dissipating the panic that had gripped them. It seemed they had noticed my absence, but... I had succeeded. I had brought Angel back safe and... well, alive, at least.

To my surprise, Alastor stood frozen in the doorway, looking like he was about to leave. His pupils displayed "Off Air," a sign of his apparent panic. He finally seemed to be concerned about Angel... Too late, Bambi...

Guiding Angel to the lobby couch, I passed by Alastor, who remained motionless. The rest of the gathering stared at us, stunned by the scene.

Me: "What? Is there something on my face?"

Charlie: "Um, Melody... Are you... Are you okay?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm fine, but Angel is slightly injured. We need to get him treated."

Angel: "Yes~ I'm suffering~"

I chuckled at Angel's exaggeration, which eased the tension, and I heard relieved sighs around me.

Me: "Nifty, please fetch the first aid kit."

Nifty: "Yes, Charlie."

Vaggie: "Melody, did you happen to run into Valentino?"

Me: "Uh... no, not at all." A little hesitantly.

If I told the truth, I'd be in trouble... I quickly realized that in Hell, it's survival of the fittest, and if they found out my strength, they might fear me... But lying to my friends didn't feel right. What should I do now?

Angel: "No, Melody found me in an alley... By the way, thanks for worrying about me, huh?" He said sarcastically.

I turned to Charlie and Vaggie, giving them a smile, trying to appear as relaxed as possible despite my slight discomfort.

Charlie: "Phew! All's well that ends well... Nifty, you take care of Angel, we need to go fill out some paperwork... Vaggie, you coming, hon?"

Vaggie: "Yes, hon, I'm coming... Thank you, Melody."

Me: "You're welcome."

The girls disappeared up the stairs as Nifty returned to tend to Angel... He still stood there, frozen with his eyes displaying "OFF AIR"... What's wrong, Bambi?

Me: "Wait, Nifty, I'll do it," I said as I averted my gaze from the scene. Angel looked surprised, but Nifty nodded in acceptance.

Me: "I was a first responder for a year... I'll handle the bandaging," I explained quickly.

Angel: "Ha! My little darling, I adore you... You can do everything," Angel replied with a grateful smile.

I blushed slightly, embarrassed by his words.

Me: "Oh come on, Angie, I don't know everything..." I joked to try to hide my discomfort.

I focused on the task at hand despite a sudden dizzy feeling. I fought against the effects of electric shocks, reminding myself to stay strong and not show anything. I quickly finished bandaging, doing my best to stay calm and not worry the others.

Standing up slowly to avoid feeling faint, I forced a smile toward Angel and Nifty.

Me: "There you go, Angie, all done!"

I announced, trying to sound as confident as possible despite feeling unpleasant sensations.

Angel: "Thank you, my kitten~" Angel responded gratefully.

I didn't want to cause them any worry... All I wanted was to see their happiness last...

Suddenly, familiar crackling tickled my ears, and I noticed Alastor seething inside. Was it because of me?

I gave him my best smile to reassure him that everything was fine, hoping he would calm down, but unfortunately, my attempts seemed to fail.

Me: "What? Did I do something wrong?"

In an instant, he took on his demonic form and strode towards me like a fury.

Alastor: "How dare you ask me that!"

Husker: "Al, calm down!"

Bambi replied furiously.

Alastor: "Calm down! You must be joking, Husker! What's gotten into you!"

I'm confused and annoyed by Alastor's attitude toward me. Puffing out my cheeks, I refuse to be intimidated.

Me: "You didn't want to handle it, so I did! What's the problem?!"

Alastor: "What's the problem?"

His maniacal laughter echoed.

Alastor: "You're kidding! Imagine if one of the 3V had been there!"

Of course, here's a rewritten version of the conversation:

Me: "If you had taken charge, this could have been avoided, Bambi. You're taking it out on me for no reason!"

Alastor: "You seem completely... Do you not see the danger around us?"

Me: "No, I'm just not a coward! I refuse to sit back!"

Alastor: "It's like you don't know what suffering is! You think everything is easy!"

Me: "I know what it's like, idiot, better than you!"

Alastor: "You're just an immature and reckless kid!"

Me: "You have no right to talk, Bambi, you're... a jerk..."

Angel: "Calm down!"

Angel stepped between us. I sighed in frustration and stormed out of the room, slamming my bedroom door.

After reaching my room, I let out a muffled scream into my pillow to vent all my anger. Then, I curled up under the covers, seething with hatred towards that guy. I despise him with every fiber of my being.

My Demon, My Angel (OC x Alastor) and Others English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now