The Boy, The Bag, and The "Baby"

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"Oboro's POV ——————————————————————————

Oboro was coming home after a long day at UA. His roommates, Aizawa Shota and Yamada Hizashi, weren't home at the moment. He thought about inviting over Nemuri but remembered how she said she was going to hang out with her friends. He sits on the couch with an exasperated sigh.

"What am I going to do? I'm so boredddddddddd" Oboro dramatically says. "Hizashi's at his friends place, Aizawa is at the Cat Cafe, and Nemuri is shopping with her friends. They all totally left meeeeeeee" He whined.

Oboro let out another exasperated sigh and got up to make himself a sandwich.


Oboro finally finished making his sandwich and started to eat it, when suddenly he got a knock on the door. He sighed and got up to answer the door.

When he got to the door, he saw no one there. Oboro was confused and was about to shut the door when he noticed the duffle bag on the ground.

"A duffle bag?" He said confusingly.

He picked the duffle bag up and almost dropped it when something in the duffle bag moved. He slowly unziped the duffle bag and saw the one thing he wasn't expecting to see...

a 3-year-old child.

"What the fu-"


Oboro is just calling the Police nervously while the child is just watching him.

"What do you mean?!? Oboro said angerly and nervously "Yes, the child was just left with me. Yes, the child is real. And yes, I'm mentally okay, why do you ask?"

The police officer just hangs up and Oboro just throws the phone, very irritated about the situation. He looks over to the child and sighs.

"Why would somebody leave a child at my front door...?" he sighed out and shook his head. "Especially one so small that I thought it was a baby"

Oboro then noticed the note on the duffle bag and picked it up. The note said.

"Dear whoever has the child, You must be wondering a lot of things, like why was a baby left at your doorstep? Why was the baby abandoned in the first place? and who the child's parents are? The thing is... If I hadn't have left her somewhere like your doorstep... she wouldn't have had a normal childhood. Unlike you or me she wasn't made because me and my husband wanted a child. She was made because my husband wanted her to be a weapon. So please, please, give her the life she wouldn't have had if I didn't leave her with you. I trust that you will do an amazing job of taking care of her. But please don't get the police involved. He has a lot of political power, and he would easily find her if she was with the police. So please... Please I beg you to claim her as your own. I beg you to give her the best life possible.

Signed, Anonymous"

After reading this, Oboro looked at the child and sighed "I guess I have a child now..." He picked the child up "Your last name with be the same as mine, so you're now a Shirakumo too. But you need a first name..."

He thought for a moment when a sudden idea came to mind "I will call you..."


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