Shimura Tenko? I've only heard of Shirakumo Tenko

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(Y/N)'s POV


"What are you doing out of daycare?!" Oboro said, surprisingly stern.

"Well... I was in the daycare and all of the kids were mean to me and I saw a hole in the fence, so I went through it. I was walking around and then I met Ten-Ten!" you said as you showed Tenko to Oboro.

"Oh, another kid..." Oboro said as he looked at Tenko. "How old are you, kid?"

"Uh..." Tenko said hesitantly. "I'm 6..."

"You're 3 years older than (Y/N) so you wouldn't be in her daycare..." Oboro said quizzically. "Where are your parents, kid?"

"I uh don't have any... anymore..." Tenko said quietly.

"Oh..." Oboro said but he then noticed your cheeky grin. "(Y/N) you better not be thinking about what I think you're thinking"

"Cmon, dad" you said as you still had the cheeky grin on your face. "I would really love a big brother~"

Oboro takes another look at Tenko and gives his classic shit eating grin.

"This will piss off Sho and Hizashi, but the kids too cute!" Oboro said. "So, we're going to keep him!"

Tenko's eyes widen, and he starts to cry. The whole time on the streets he thought no one would ever care. But then he met a weird girl and her weirder dad, who became his new family. For the first time in so long, his tears weren't tears of sorrow. They were tears of happiness.

"T-t-thank you!" Tenko said in between his cries. Oboro and I hug him, and he hugs back as if he never wanted to let go. After Tenko stopped crying you let go at the hug. Oboro then turned to you and sternly said "Now you, (Y/N)! Don't run off like that! Don't you know how worried your teacher was?!"

"Sorry, dad" you said looking at the ground "The kids were just.... really mean"

Oboro sighed and kneeled down to look face to face.

"I'm not made, little cloud" Oboro said. "I was just really worried. Scared that you might have gotten hurt or worse. Just... promise me not to do it again, ok?"

"Ok, dad" you said. "Let's go home and show Ten-Ten our house!"

"Ok, (Y/N)" Oboro said as he started to walk home. As you and Tenko follow suit.


After a while you, Oboro, and Tenko got to the front of the house. Oboro opened the front door and you all walked in.

"Woah..." Tenko said in awe as he looked around at the house.

Oboro chuckled "Well, kid..."

"... Welcome to the Shirakumo family"

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