How To Tame a Tenko

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"Shimura... Tenko" you said, testing out the name. "That's a nice name. Can I call you Ten-Ten?"

"O-oh..." Tenko said, surprised. "S-sure, you can call me Ten-Ten..."

You cheered and were about to grab his hand when he pulled his hand back and said "D-don't touch me!"

"Oh...." you said as you thought you did something wrong. "S-sorry" I sniffle.

"W-wait don't be sad" Tenko said quickly as he panicked "I-I just was scared... If you touch me you'll die.." Tenko looked down at the ground.

"Die?" you said while tilting your head in confusion "What do you mean by that, Ten-Ten?"

"M-my quirk..." Tenko said while still looking down at the ground, as if he was in shame. "I-it's Decay... If I touch someone with all five fingers t-they turn to dust..." He sniffled a little.

You put your finger to your chin as if thinking. "I... think I have a solution. I'll be right back!" you ran off to a store near the alley.


To Tenko's surprise, you came back. He just thought you would leave him and not come back after you learned his quirk. He then took notice of the weird gloves you had in your hands and asked. "What are those"

"There" you pant since you ran to and from the store. "Artist gloves"

"How did you pay for them?" Tenko asked confusingly.

"I uh... didn't... But no need to worry!" you said, quickly. "They were on sale for $0.50 cents!"

"Okay.... But why did you get them?" Tenko asked.

"Let me show you! Give me your hands, Ten-Ten!" you said as Tenko hesitantly did that. You put the gloves on his hands and said, "Now try touching the wall of the alleyway!"

"W-what?! B-but it will Decay-" you interrupted Tenko's sentence by putting your finger on his lips.

"Shush. Just trust me, Ten-Ten" you said as you pulled my finger off his lips.

"O-okay..." Tenko said as he closed his eyes and touched the alleyway wall.

When Tenko opened his eyes, to his surprise, the alleyway wall was still a wall and not dust.

"I-it didn't turn to dust..." Tenko said while tearing up.

He came over and hugged you as if his life depended on it.

"T-thank you, Thank you, thank you!" Tenko said while rubbing his cheek against yours "I t-thought I wouldn't ever be able to touch things again..."

"Do you wanna play tag, Ten-Ten?!" you said excitedly.

"Y-yea!" Tenko said "B-but why do y-you want to play with some orphaned street rat...?"

"You're no street rat, You're my friend!" you said happily and Tenko was overjoyed after hearing your words. He's never had a real friend before.

"Let's go!" you said as you grabbed Tenko's hand, dragging him out of the alleyway.

"S-since you call me by my first name can I-I call you by your first name" Tenko asked as you still hold onto his hand.

"Sure, Ten-Ten!" you said excitedly.

"O-ok (Y/N)-san" Tenko said.

"No need for the 'san' part, Ten-Ten." you said, turning your head to look at Tenko. "You don't need to be so formal with me. Just call me (Y/N)!"

"O-oh ok, (Y/N)" Tenko said, surprised. His father taught him to be polite to everyone to make up for having to deal with him. So, he was really surprised when you let him call me by his first name.

While you were holding Tenko's hand, dragging him along to who knows where, you both bumped into someone.

"(Y/N)?" you recognized the voice instantly.

Standing right in front of you was Oboro.

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