Explaining The Explanation

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(Y/N)'s POV ———————————————————————————

You were just sitting on the couch, holding ducky for dear life while Yamada, Aizawa, and Oboro were talking about something.

"So..." Yamada says, "How are we going to explain her to Nemuri?"

"Maybe we could call her down and tell her when she sees (Y/N)?" Oboro says.

"That's probably the best thing that resembles a plan we got" Aizawa says while sighing.

"I'll call her over now" Oboro says while pulling out his phone.

"Hey Nemuri. I have to tell you something..." ———————————————————————————

The person Oboro referred to as Nemuri came over, saw you, and turned towards the three for an explanation.

"It's not what you think!" Oboro says quickly "She was just left on my doorstep. I took her in and now we're here"

Nemuri walked over to Oboro and hit him backside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Oboro says while grabbing his head.

"WHAT EXPLAINATION WAS THAT!?! JUST 'Oh I just found her and unofficially adopted her, no problem'' Nemuri yelled. Aizawa snorted at her statement.

"C-can you not be so loud...?" You said quietly.

"NEMURI! You made the child sad!" Oboro says.

"Fuck... Sorry kid. Your "dad" is just being a dumbass" Nemuri says while narrowing her eyes at Oboro.

"F... uck?" you said innocently while everyone freezes.

"Little listener you can't say that word" Yamada says as his sweat drops.

"oh..." you said quietly as you turn towards Nemuri. "Can I call you Auntie...?"

"AWWWWW, YOUR SO ADORABLE, LITTLE ONE. OF COURSE YOU CAN!" Nemuri says while picking you up.

"I'm going to teach you so many things! Like fashion, how to get guys, the birds and the bees talk-" Before Nemuri can finish her sentence, Aizawa cut her off.

"That's enough out of you, Nemuri" he said as he took you away from Nemuri. "She doesn't need to know this stuff yet. Maybe even ever"

"I will! Just you watch!" Nemuri says.

"Ok, never leave (Y/N) alone with Nemuri. Got it" Oboro says. Nemuri pouts.

"Fineeeee. But Oboro, give me a better explanation." Nemuri says.

Oboro then, promptly, explained the explanation. ———————————————————————————

"So... Have any questions?" Oboro says nervously.

"So, a child was left on your damn doorstep, and you adopted it? Is that what I'm hearing" Nemuri says.

Oboro chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head "Pretty much"

She narrowed her eyes at Yamada, Oboro, and Aizawa "I'll have a talk with you three later" Nemuri then turned towards you. "How about we go out to get food? What do you think about that?" Nemuri said as she smiled down at you.

You thought for a moment and gave her a cheeky smile.


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