The Shopping Center Shitshow

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(Y/N)'s POV ———————————————————————————

While Oboro, Aizawa, and Yamada were talking, you tug on Oboro's pants leg and got him to look down at you.

"Dad, can I get some new clothes...?" you said quietly.

"Oh shit- wait don't say that word!" Oboro said quickly "Um- I can't believe I forgot to get you clothes. Yea lets go. Hizashi. Sho. Get ready" Aizawa and Yamada sighed and Aizawa gave Oboro a disapproving look.

"Ok little listener! Let's get ready for fun!" Yamada said as he picked you up onto his back "LETSSSSS GOOOOOO!" Yamada then ran out of the door with you as Aizawa and Oboro follow suit.


After a while you, Oboro, Aizawa, and Yamada got to the shopping center with Yamada panting from carrying you the whole way there.

"Okay little cloud, what do you want to get first?" Oboro asked.

"C-can we get clothes first...?" you said while looking around the shopping center with awe.

"Of course, little cloud!" Oboro said while taking your hand and walking you to the clothes store.


After you got your clothes, Oboro, Aizawa, and Yamada took you to a toy store.

"Pick out anything you'd like, little cloud!" Oboro said.

You mumbled a dismissive "Ok" and continued to look at the stuff animals when one caught your eye. It was a plushie of a duck and it was perfect. You picked it up so fast which cause Oboro and Yamada to chuckle.

You all were about to walk to the cash register when a lady stopped us.

"Is that one of your kids?" The Karen sneered.

"Yes actually," Oboro says "This is my daughter" he said as he pulled you behind him and put his arm in front of you.

"Well, she doesn't look like you so are you sure she's yours? And you look so young you should've just kept your pants on if she is yours" The Karen hissed out.

"Maybe not biologically but I count her as mine" Oboro growled out.

You tug on Oboro's pants leg causing him to look down at you.

"Dad, who's the ugly clown lady?" you said innocently which made it all the more funny for Yamada, Oboro, and Aizawa. But it wasn't as funny for the Karen.

"I AM NOT UGLY AND I'M NOT A CLOWN!!!" The Karen said yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Shut up and go back to the circus, lady" Aizawa said as he rolled his eyes.

Yamada and Oboro burst out laughing at what Aizawa said, and you let out a little giggle. The Karen however, let out a screech.


After Yamada and Oboro stopped laughing, you all went to the cash register and paid for the duck plushie.

"That was a real shitshow, don't you agree guys?" Oboro said still giggling a bit.

"Yea, one I would pay tickets to see" Yamada said, holding back a laugh.

"Little kitten, what will you name the duck plushie?" Aizawa said, ignoring the surprised looks Yamada and Oboro gave him for giving you his own nickname.

You thought for a moment before quietly saying...

"... Ducky"

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