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"Today will be fateful indeed," the girl said to me, tucking a strand of her long, dark green hair behind her pointy ears.

"What do you mean?" I asked, crinkling my nose. I prepared for her scolding- she sometimes loathed when I asked too many questions.

"I can feel that your destiny will begin today. How exciting!" She cooed, smiling at me, "I hope you're ready friend."

"I hope so too," I responded, smiling back at her.

"Do you remember your name today?" I asked.

She frowned at me, folding her harms over her chest. Her long green gown flowed around her, delicate flowers in pink and white adorning her skirt.

"You know I loathe that question. I feel so sleepy when I try to remember it."

I nodded, "I'm sorry."

I awoke with a start, rubbing the sleep from my face as the sun streamed in the window, the light harsh to my sensitive eyes.

I thought of the girl, the same figure I dreamt about almost every night. She hardly remembered a thing, except that her birthday was the same as mine. I often wondered why she appeared in my dreams so frequently. And given that I had created her, why did she know so little about herself? Does my brain not have the answer to my own dreams?

I got out of bed and readied myself for the day, feeling blessed that it would be calm.

My father and I have worked as mercenaries for so long, I couldn't remember a life without the constant fighting. Today, however, was a small break. I could do whatever I wanted.

I threw on my favorite black floral tights, a tight white shirt with black accents, and a navy skirt that came with a matching navy jacket. It was easily my favorite outfit, but not very practical when it came to fighting.

I flounced down the stairs, a spring in my step.

"Good morning kiddo," my father, Jeralt, called from the kitchen. He was hard at work making breakfast, which meant he was in a good mood. He only cooked when he felt like it- which was almost never.

I smiled and bid him good morning, taking a seat at the table right by the window.

"What are you gonna do today?" He asked me as he passed me a plate.

If I was being honest, the eggs looked awful. I knew better to comment, instead shoveling them into my mouth in an attempt to taste them as little as possible. Jeralt was an awful cook.

"I think I'm going to walk over and find a new book," I said with some consideration. I hadn't given much thought to how I would spend today.

"That sounds nice. If you do would you mind grabbing more eggs?"

I smiled and nodded, and he sat down next to me. The open window over the kitchen counter allowed a breeze to drift in, and I got even more excited that today was free and had nice weather. The summer had been sweltering, and a lick of a breeze was a welcome guest.

"Behind you!" We heard through the window, a girls voice. I didn't recognize it, but I suppose we hadn't lived in Remire Village long enough to know every neighbor.

The noises picked up, the ringing of metal upon metal. It was unusual for any fighting to reach this town- it was a very peaceful hamlet.

I locked eyes with my dad, who stared at me as if questioning if we were going to interfere.

"Let's check it out," I said, putting my fork down reluctantly. So much for my free day.

We both strapped on our weapons, always kept nearby, and charged out to the source of the calamity.

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