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Class seemed to drag along this afternoon, so slowly it was painful.

I thought of the new girl, her dark hair in the morning sun as she ran to shield a perfect stranger. She was skilled with her sword, beautiful and lethal, and easy to talk to. I replayed all our conversations, hoping I didn't come across as foolish.

The last time I tried to impress a girl it didn't go very well. I wished I had the charisma of my best friend, Sylvain, who was admittedly an infamous skirt chaser.

When classes finally wrapped up, I practically ran to the dining hall, spotting Annette's auburn hair on her short frame standing next to Mercedes. Just who I was looking for.

"Mercy, Annette!" I called, and they stopped to greet me. I bounded up to them, a spring in my step that I just couldn't help.

"I think the new student is going to eat with us. Will you guys make sure she feels welcome? Her name is Kelly, she's Captain Jeralt Eisner's daughter."

Mercedes' jaw dropped, "So the rumors are true?" She said, sing-songy as always.

"Yes, it's true. She gets to choose her own house, and I think she will get along with you two really nicely. Even Felix was, well, he was pleasant- for him."

Annette snickered and mischief gleamed in her eyes, "you want her to think we're nice and you introduced her to Felix first? Rookie move."

I groaned, "I know, I know."

I turned to the entrance, catching a swish of navy blue just as she entered the room.

"I'll bring her over," I said, trying to still my heart and act casual as I strode to meet her.

She smiled when her lilac eyes met mine, and I waved. I instantly felt stupid, but her smile didn't falter.

"Hey, would you still like to sit with us?" I asked, proud of my voice for staying level.

She nodded, "yes, if you don't think your house will mind."

"Of course, it would be our honor," I responded, motioning for her to follow me. I walked her up to Annette and Mercedes, who offered her what might have been the biggest smiles I had ever seen.

"Hi Kelly," Mercedes said, reaching out to hug the newcomer. Kelly stiffened a bit before reaching back and hugging Mercedes, whose pale blonde hair fell over Kelly's shoulder. "I'm Mercedes."

"And I'm Annette," she chimed in, pulling Kelly into an equally vigorous hug, "I'm so happy you're sitting with us!"

I grabbed my tray and led the way to the table, and the girls followed behind me, with Annette chirping so quickly I didn't think she even paused for a breath.

"We sit at the table closest to the fish pond," Annette said, placing her tray down and ushering Kelly to take a spot on the wooden bench.

"I love that part of the grounds," Kelly responded happily.

"Do you like fishing?" Mercedes asked, settling in on Kelly's left. The way they gave her so much attention made Kelly look like she was the most popular girl in school, which I found so endearing.

"I'd rather just look at them," She responded bashfully.

"I don't like it either. So boring!" Annette responded.

At that moment, Sylvain walked up and plopped his tray down beside me, his shaggy red hair splayed out with a distinct lack of particular style. Yet somehow, he always looked great. I couldn't figure it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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