Chapter 1

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Vanessa's P.O.V

I heard my alarm go off and turned it off. I sat up and yawned and walked over to my closet deciding on what to wear to school. I picked out a white belly shirt and dark blue jeans that made my ass stick out. I loved to show off my body, I mean if you got it why not flaunt it? Don't get my wrong, I'm not a slut, I just love getting attention. After I pick out my clothes I jump in the shower. When I was done I got dressed and put on my make up. I went downstairs and made myself a quick breakfast. My parents were already gone to work as they always have to work early and late. I wish I did see them more, but they work hard and make a ton of money. After I ate, I headed to my car which was a 2013 Lexus and I must say, it's pretty damn nice. I drove to school and when I got out, I already felt eyes on me. All the guys wishing they had me and all the girls wishing they were me. I walked into the school and to my locker. I then felt hands on my eyes and a voice" Guess who?" I turned and squealed seeing my handsome boyfriend Johnny. He was 6'1 and all muscle with blonde short hair and blue eyes. I wrapped him in a hug. He then smacked my ass and said" You look hot as ever." 

I smiled and said" Thanks babe, we still on for tonight?" He pouted and said" I can't, football practice." I said" Well I have cheer leading practice, doesn't mean we can't hang out after." He then said" Sorry babe, I just can't." I was a little irritated as we haven't spent much time together as of late, but I brushed it off. Soon my friends came over to greet me. I had three really good friends, first was Melissa, she was blonde and built like a model. Next was Alice, she had red hair and was as feisty as her hair. Last was Lucy, she had dark brown hair and was my favorite as she was the one who always gave me the best advice when I needed it. I myself have jet black hair and a cream colored skin. We all started walking down the hall and that's when we saw him. The most hated kid at our school, the outcast. My boyfriend walked ahead of me and walked behind him and slammed him into the locker. Everyone laughed seeing the outcast kid drop to the ground with all his school stuff. I laughed seeing how pathetic this guy was. Johnny walked backed over to me and put his arm around me and I said" Nice push babe." He smiled and said" It's what I do."

Evan's P.O.V.

I felt the push to my back and slammed right into the lockers while dropping all my stuff. I bent over to pick up everything, and that's when I saw who pushed me. Johnny, part of the group who bullies me. He had his arm around the hottest girl at our school, and she just laughed and said something to Johnnie. As I got up, I pushed my glasses up and got ready for my first class. Let me explain myself, I have no friends, have bad grades and get bullied everyday. Even the nerds are better off then me, as they have friends and don't get bullied as much as I do. I have glasses, not thick ones that nerds wear, but little square ones. I have short brown hair and I'm only 5'3 and 110 lbs. So even if I wanted to stick up for myself, I wouldn't stand a chance. Everyday is the same, with getting called names, beat up and everything between. I've gotten used to it, as I've changed who I am since that day and closed myself off from anyone. People took offense to how I didn't want to talk to people or be outgoing in anyway, so they started treating me like this. Life sucks, but all this bulling is nothing compared to what happened that one day. I got to my first class and as I walked to my desk, someone stuck their foot out and I tripped. I fell over and everyone laughed and I looked over to see Vanessa put a hand on her mouth and said" Oh, I'm so sorry, didn't see you walking this way." She started laughing some more and I got up and went to my desk.

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