Chapter 5

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Vanessa's P.O.V.

Saturday came around and I decided to go all out on looking my best. I put on my favorite dress which was purple and curled my hair. I did my make up and headed over to Jill's place. I got in my car and texted Evan wishing he was going to the party. He texted back to have a good time. For some reason I was really hoping he would change his mind. I pulled into Jill's driveway and got out. I knocked on the door and she answered and smiled" Good your here Vanessa, I need help setting some stuff up. I nodded and we started setting things up for the party. Jill's parents were always out of town and didn't care about her throwing parties. They said they would rather her stay in and be safe at home instead of being out somewhere they didn't know. I wish my parents would let me do that, but oh well. Once we were done, she handed me a drink and I downed it.

A few hours passed and the whole house filled up with people. I had a few drinks and knew I was drunk. I was having fun and dancing, until I saw Johnny. I frowned and went to the kitchen and poured another drink. I started to drink when Johnnie walked in. I was about to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm. " Don't fucking touch me." I yelled" He smiled and said" I see your still on the rag about that loser." I went to slap him but he grabbed my arm" Sorry baby, but you won't be hitting me again." He shoved me against the wall and I couldn't move. He smiled and I could smell the booze on his breathe. He sneered and said" I think you owe me something." I felt tears form in my eyes, as I thought of what he was going to do to me.

A few people then walked in the kitchen and Johnny turned his head for a moment. I then slammed my knee as hard as I could in his family jewels. He let go of me and slumped to the ground and I ran out of the kitchen and grabbed my purse as fast as I could. I left the house but knew I was too drunk to drive. I started to walk down the street and was cold and to drunk to really know what to do. I then grabbed my phone from my purse and went through the contacts to see who could help me. I saw Evan's name and called him. He answered and I said "Evan, c... can you c.. come p... pick me up p...please(hiccup)" He then said" Where are you?" Just hearing his voice made me feel better. I then said" I'm walking down a road(hiccup). I'm too d...drunk to" He then said" Okay calm down, just tell me what road your on and I'll come get you."

I was dazed but looked at the road sign and said" I think(hiccup) it's 56th and Sunset." He then said" Okay, I got my mom's car keys. Just stay on the phone with me." I heard him scrabbling and door shut. He then asked" What's going on?" I couldn't stop more tears from coming said" I was the party a... and Johnny s...showed up and h.... he tried to." I couldn't finish as I was crying. He then said" I think I see you, hold on." I saw a black car pull up and he got out. I ran over and hugged him. I was pretty drunk and I was so upset that I just needed someone. He hugged back and asked" Are you okay?" I just nodded and said" Thanks for coming, I (hiccup) didn't know who else to call." He nodded and wrapped his coat around me and said" Come on, let's get you home."

Evan's P.O.V.

After I said we should get her home she looked worried and said" I can't Evan, my parents would kill (hiccup) me." I nodded and helped her in the car. I then said" You can stay at my place. My mom is a heavy sleeper and will be gone early in the morning." She grabbed my hand and said" Thanks Evan, I'm (hiccup) glad you came for me." She was pretty wasted and seeing her like this made me want to help her any way I could. I pulled in my drive way and I got out of the car and helped her out. We walked to the door and I led her inside. I knew if I left her on the couch, my mom would be freaking out. So I walked her to my room and laid her on my bed. I put a blanket on her and she said" Thank you Evan." I smiled and said" No problem." She then grabbed my hand and asked" Why are you a outcast?"

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