Chapter IV: Magic is cool

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Two weeks. That's all the time we had left before the big move to Musutafu. Mom was in full-on planning mode, juggling calls to moving companies and swimming through an ocean of paperwork. Every corner of the house seemed to have a to-do list stuck to it, and her energy was both impressive and exhausting.

Dad, meanwhile, wasn't as thrilled. He grumbled about the hassle of leaving his hospital job, the endless tying up of loose ends, and the general chaos that came with uprooting our lives. The house echoed with his sighs and mutterings about how much easier life would be if we could just stay put.

Amidst the chaos of boxes and bubble wrap, my third birthday quietly came and went. Mom and Dad tried to make it special in their own way. There was no grand party, just the three of us in our half-packed living room. They bought me a small cake and sang happy birthday with tired smiles, their voices blending with the crinkling of packing tape in the background. Instead of toys or flashy presents, they gave me books—neatly stacked children's books beside my bed. They were the kind of gifts parents get excited about.

One lazy afternoon, I found myself engrossed in a book about a princess and a dragon. It wasn't like the others I'd read; this princess was fierce, brave, and not at all like the damsels in distress I was used to. Just as the dragon was about to get a taste of his own medicine, Dad walked in, his expression a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"Dear," he began, looking up from his stack of papers, "We've been invited to a birthday party. One of my colleagues' kids is turning three. It could be a great chance for Y/N-chan to play with other kids her age. Plus, there's going to be a magic show! You know how much kids are into that stuff these days."

Mom's face lit up instantly, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "That sounds perfect! Y/N-chan could really use some fun. She's been stuck with just her books ever since we packed away her Legos after the umpteenth rebuild. It'll be great to see her playing with other kids. And a magic show? I'm definitely bringing the camera!"

Dad nodded, a rare smile breaking through his usual stressed expression. "The party's this Friday. It'll be a fantastic time for all of us. A little break from all this moving chaos will do us good."

With that settled, I closed my book, the princess and the dragon temporarily forgotten. The idea of a birthday party didn't sound too bad, but the thought of mingling with a bunch of three-year-olds wasn't exactly thrilling. How was I supposed to talk to them? Should I say I like heroes and hope we'd instantly be best friends? Kids' friendships seemed so uncomplicated. Yet, the magic show promised a bit of fun, at least.

Friday rolled around faster than I expected, and the house was buzzing with the kind of energy that only comes before a big event. Mom, with her usual flair, had twisted my hair into two perfect pigtails and dressed me in a sky-blue dress with white dots. It was cute, I suppose. Dad was wrapping the birthday gift, his hands moving with a rhythm that seemed almost musical. The wrapping paper crinkled softly as he folded the edges with care.

When we arrived at the party, it felt like stepping into a mini carnival. Bright balloons floated everywhere, their colors popping against the clear blue sky. The front yard was a sea of giggles and laughter, with kids running around, their faces smeared with chocolate and candy. The table was a dream come true for any sugar lover: cupcakes, candies, and cookies were piled high, tempting me with their sweetness. And there, right in the center, was the small stage where the magic show was set to take place. It was decorated with twinkling lights and sparkly streamers, promising a show that would dazzle us all.

Mom and Dad handed me off to the party host, a cheerful lady with a name tag that read 'Asuka.' She had a bright smile and a contagious energy that made me feel a bit more at ease. "Have fun, Y/N-chan!" Mom said, giving me a quick hug before heading over to chat with the other parents. 

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