Chapter III: A Twist of Destiny

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It's funny how life can flip on its head in the blink of an eye. One moment, I was nestled in the sanctuary of my bed, questioning life's complexities. The next, I found myself thrust into a world straight out of the pages of My Hero Academia. Suddenly, I was no longer the thoughtful observer, but a helpless baby  in a universe where heroes and villains danced their eternal dance.

Am I older than the main cast? Younger, perhaps? It's hard to tell, but something tells me I'm right around their age. I know All Might reigns supreme as the Symbol of Peace, his iconic visage a beacon of hope in a world full of superhuman beings. And somewhere out there, that fateful video that ignited Midoriya Izuku's dreams must be circulating, a testament to the power of heroism. My heart swelled with a mixture of awe and trepidation as I contemplated the implications of this revelation. 

Was I destined to play a role in Midoriya's journey, or would I merely be an observer, watching from the sidelines as the young hero's story unfolded? The possibilities were endless, and the weight of that knowledge threatened to overwhelm me.

In the face of such uncertainty, I found myself grappling with an even more pressing concern – figuring out what kind of quirk will I have. Depending on that I could choose a career and just study but then I would have to get into a college...again.

The prospect of redoing school, diving back into textbooks and lectures, both excites and daunts me. It's a chance to reinvent myself, to carve out a niche in this brave new world. But at the same time, the thought of reliving the mundane routines of education feels like a weight pressing down on my chest.

And then there's the question that looms large over it all—will I even have a quirk at all? The thought of being among the unfortunate 20% of the population that remains quirkless in a world where everyone else is gifted with extraordinary abilities is a daunting prospect, to say the least. To come from a world where quirks are nothing more than a work of fiction, only to find myself in a reality where they are the norm, and still just be me—talk about a cruel twist of fate.

And then there were the characters.

Midoriya Izuku

The main character, the embodiment of unwavering determination and boundless hope.

Midoriya's story had captivated audiences worldwide, a testament to the transformative power of dreams and the indomitable spirit of the human soul. And here I was, thrust into the very heart of his narrative, no longer a mere spectator. Meeting him could be the reality check I desperately need, a confirmation that this surreal journey is indeed real.

However beneath the surface of my excitement, a gnawing sense of doubt lurks, threatening to overshadow my hopes. What if my presence in this world disrupts the delicate balance of fate? What if my actions inadvertently alter the course of the story, setting off a chain reaction of events that I cannot control? The thought of it is suffocating, a cold reminder of the unpredictable nature of destiny.

But fate  has never been one to heed the wishes of mortals.

And as if the fear of disrupting the storyline isn't enough, there's also the looming threat of encountering villains like Shigaraki or Dabi. The mere idea of being targeted by them sends a chill down my spine, my heart pounding with a primal fear that threatens to consume me. Baby steps, I remind myself, baby steps.

But the reality was, I was here now. Running away wasn't an option anymore. 

As my parents took me on leisurely strolls through the bustling city streets, I couldn't help but feel a captivating blend of awe and trepidation. Everywhere I looked, people with all sorts of intriguing quirks went about their lives, and it was a mesmerizing sight that left me in wonder. 

The sky above was bluer than I had ever seen, almost cartoonishly vibrant, and the city around me thrummed with a pulsating energy that set my little heart racing. It was as if the very fabric of this place was alive, brimming with endless possibilities.

As we passed by a police officer on patrol, I couldn't help but do a double-take. To my astonishment, his head was that of a cat – a sight that would have seemed utterly absurd in any other context, but here, it was simply another reminder of the fantastical world I now inhabited. And just when I thought I'd seen it all, we encountered a woman with a jaw-dropping quirk. Instead of the typical bouquet of flowers, her hair was a vibrant cascade of shimmering scales, reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling display of colors. With each step, she seemed to shimmer like a living rainbow. It was a sight so bizarre yet strangely beautiful that it felt like a glimpse into a living work of art. In this realm where the extraordinary was ordinary, even the simplest stroll down the street became an adventure filled with iconic moments.

Now, at two years old, I did what any curious infant would do—played with anything and everything I could get my tiny hands on. One of my favorite pastimes was building with Legos. There was something magical about fitting those little blocks together, piece by piece, to create something grand. My parents marveled at my creations, were convinced they had a prodigy on their hands when I constructed a replica of Tokyo Tower. Little did they know, this was merely a product of countless hours spent in my previous life, stacking those same familiar blocks.

Yet, my parents noticed I was different from the other kids, and not just because of my Lego masterpieces. There was something else, something they couldn't quite put their finger on. They saw it in the way I observed the world around me, with a sense of awareness far beyond my years.  Sometimes, I caught my parents exchanging worried glances, whispering about how unusual it was for a child my age to be so perceptive. They were surprised at how I seemed to understand their conversations, even if I didn't always have the words to respond.

One day, while I was busy constructing another Lego masterpiece, I overheard my mom talking on the phone with an old college friend. Her voice was filled with an excitement that piqued my curiosity.

"Yeah, Mitsuki... we'll be moving to Musutafu soon. You said you lived there, right?" The words were slightly muffled, but "Musutafu" and "Mitsuki" rang a bell, sparking a flicker of recognition that I couldn't quite place.

Later that day, as I played with my Legos, the names kept echoing in my mind like a melody I couldn't shake. Musutafu... Mitsuki... Why did they sound so familiar? Then, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. Musutafu is where Midoriya Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki live. And Mitsuki—of course, she's Bakugo Katsuki's mother! How could I forget?

The realization sent a thrill through me, a jolt of electricity that made my heart race with anticipation and uncertainty.

What were the odds that my family would be moving to the same place where these characters lived, and that my mom's friend was connected to one of the main characters of this world? It felt like the universe was playing some grand game, weaving our fates together in ways I could never have anticipated.

The excitement coursed through my veins, mingling with a sense of trepidation. This wasn't just a coincidence; it was a twist of destiny that I couldn't ignore. As a two-year-old with the mind of someone much older, I was acutely aware of the significance of this revelation. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, knowing that I was about to step into the world I had once only dreamed about.

My heart raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety. On one hand, the idea of living so close to such pivotal characters in the story was exhilarating. On the other hand, the pressure of potentially altering their lives—and the entire storyline—was enough to make me nervous.

As the days passed, I found myself daydreaming about the possibilities. Meeting Midoriya and Bakugo in person, witnessing their growth firsthand—could I somehow help them? Or would my presence throw everything into chaos? The thought of it filled me with a strange mix of hope and apprehension, like standing on the edge of a precipice, unsure if I would soar or fall.

Hey fantastic readers!

I just wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your support. 

I have to admit. I'm still kind of scratching my head about how this whole ranking thing works, but hey, no complaints here! Your enthusiasm and engagement means everything to me.

So, from the depths of my heart, thank you for being absolutely amazing. And hey, if you've got any thoughts or feedback, I'd love to hear them!

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