A Broken Clock

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What if I told you that there were people who had powers like no other? Men who could walk amongst gods. Humans that could restructure the fabrics of reality with a simple neurological connection: a thought. You probably wouldn't believe me, and for good reason. But today, I bring forth a story that doesn't destroy the foundations of knowledge but rather gives us a new perspective; a story that enlightens us to some of the mysteries that lied in our understanding: and it all starts off with five kids in middle school.

We start with Hunter Kalashnik: a half American half Russian jock. Standing at 5 feet and 6 inches, his fit body lies hidden behind a light grey sweater, black gym shorts, and accompanying black slides. His golden-brown hair was combed neatly up and over itself. He wore a cunning smile fitted with vibrant, green eyes as he slung his drawstring bag over his shoulder and began to cross the street over to his friend's house.

The streets were lined with a color-strict variety of 2-story homes: usually coated in grey, beige, or white paint with the occasional dark turquoise. The houses themselves were well kept and sizeable, allowing a family of four to live very comfortably. After walking 3 houses down, Hunter approached the front door and rang the doorbell. Moments later, the door opened to reveal a much smaller in comparison Sadie.

Sadie Modroll is a mostly Canadian girl with slight Korean roots, standing at 5 feet 2 inches. She wore a black and dark-green sweater tucked into her short black jeans, which rested on top of black leggings. Her heavy, yellow eyes and thick coating of black eyeliner hid behind her black, messy hair that dropped down past her shoulders and just a few inches further. As she jumped out her front door to join Hunter on the walk to school on one foot, she struggled to slide on her other light-brown boot for a few feet more before finally stomping her heel in and making a quick dash to catch up to Hunter, who was now crossing the street to the house one over from Sadie's.

Now together, Sadie awkwardly knocked on the front door as Hunter reached for the doorbell at the same time, creating a moment of silence between the two. As they struggled in vain to clear the air from the tension with half-witted words, all the strain was blasted away as Ethan burst through the door; proudly announcing the wellbeing of the morning. Jackson, looking slightly annoyed, grabbed his brother's face from behind and slid him out of the way as Jackson stepped outside to the early morning to join his friends, just shortly followed by Ethan.

Ethan Cooke was a boy whose confidence stood taller than his height; that being 5-foot 4. His mixed skin was a blend of Norwegian and Panamanian culture. His lean body was clothed by a white T-shirt stripped in the occasional blue underneath a vibrant, yellow button down atop navy-blue shorts and white skating shoes. His black, short, curly hair nested just above his dark-brown eyes, which darted excitedly amongst his beloved friends.

Jackson Cooke, on the contrary, was not nearly as cheerful or joyous as his brother. Jackson was just slightly shorter, being 5-foot 3, but other than that was identical in body shape, at least from the neck down. His hair was much straighter than Ethan's and pointed down instead. His eyes weren't nearly as baggy but did share color. For his outfit, he simply wore a dark-grey hoodie over dark-blue jeans and black sports shoes.

As the four of them began their walk out of the neighborhood, they ran into Daniel who was already out of his apartment just down the road and across the street the kids were walking on.

Daniel Garcia, being the shortest amongst his friends, was 4 foot 8 inches. His skin was borderline white with an undertone of tan, thanks to his mostly Puerto Rican ethnicity, although he does have a few ties to Sweden. He wore a white dress shirt with tied up sleeves under a dark brown vest over beige cargo pants and their accompanying shoes. His crystal-blue eyes hid behind his thin glasses and his dirty-blonde hair. As the group rounded the corner, Daniel joined in as together they continued their walk to school.

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