Homicidal Charges

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"...if anyone can recall, what was the first law of thermodynamics?" asked the teacher.

Jackson already knew the answer: it was conservation of energy. Energy can't be energy or destroyed. Despite that, he stayed quiet. Too much was already on his mind, and he preferred not to participate in the moment.

"Conservation of energy?" replied another student.


Jackson sighed as he leaned back to look out the window. He preferred to sit towards the back of all his classes because his teachers tended to focus more on the students in the front. Additionally, most of his classrooms had windows along the back wall, in which Jackson found pleasure in looking out and assessing the greenery that surrounded his school. In this particular classroom, the back wall faced the track field that the Physical Education class used often for running. Today, the PE class was outside on the field, doing their weekly mile where they would walk or run a mile for the class period. Jackson's eyes traveled across the window as he spotted several people he knew. He looked away for a moment in thought. Jackson was in his 4th period science class. During 4th period— that's right. Hunter had PE. Hunter. Jackson looked back at the field and before long, there he was. Jackson assessed his movements. He was breathing through his mouth periodically, his hands were fashioned into firm blades, and his legs pushed off the ground with calculated movement. There was no mistaking it, Hunter was a very athletic person. Talented in many sports, running was something that came very natural to him.

Jackson set his attention free from Hunter to think some more. Yesterday, they had been attacked by a mysterious figure who had claimed to be collecting a bounty of some sorts. Even more peculiar, Hunter seemed to have some strange ability. As he described it, he was able to move around whereas everything else wasn't. He was able to interact with objects and influence them, but people remained oblivious to the situation around them. On the contrary, everyone else seemed to share the understanding that they couldn't perceive that moment. The only thing everyone could agree on was the result. In Hunter's moment, he took the gun from the man while every other person only saw the man holding the gun, and then suddenly he wasn't. The situation didn't make sense, but there was some connection between the perspectives. But what could it be—

Jackson's thoughts trailed as his eyes grazed the field, landing on a person wearing a black trench coat, standing outside the school fence gate peering into the field. Jackson's eyes squinted in suspicion; what sane person would stare into a middle school track and watch the students run? As Hunter ran past Jackson's window, Jackson noticed that the man was now looking in his direction- wait no. His head followed as Hunter rounded the corner.

"Is he watching Hunter—"

As he looked closer upon his face, he recognized some features: the height, the figure- even the face. Even though the man from yesterday was covered by the shadows, he could tell this was the same person. Jackson bolted up as he knew he needed to do something. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Frantically, he swiped and tapped until he pulled up the group chat that he shared with his 4 other friends.

"Tell your teacher you need to go to the bathroom and meet out on the track field. This is urgent."

As he pressed send, Jackson looked up from his phone, his attention now on the class.

"Nice to see you've joined us, Mr. Cooke," the teacher said sarcastically.

"May I use the restroom?" Jackson replied, ignoring the comment.

"So, you only pay attention when you need something? I don't think so."

The teacher turned to face the board once more.

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