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The door opening pulls me from my sleep looking up I see Clark walking in going to move my feet I realize I can't because something is on them looking down I see Lois sleeping on them
Chloe comes walking in from the kitchen 2 cups of coffee in her hand "Oh hey Clark I didn't know you were coming" Chloe says "Yeah I came to see if you or Lois had seen Oliver he's not at his house" Clark says
Chloe hands me a cup of coffee and I gladly take it "Thank you, Chlo" I say sipping on it "I haven't seen him why is something wrong?" Chloe asks "I found blood at his place, but I can't find him" Clark says.
"Chloe I've got to go" I say finishing my coffee she just nods a bit confused, but I'm already out the door before she can say anything calling a cab I have him bring me to my car
Speeding to Lex's office I jump out of the car heading straight to his office not bothering to knock I push the door open to see him and Eli talking at his desk "Job's off I won't do it" I say staring directly at Lex
"Lia don't do this" Eli says coming to stand in front of me "I won't kill him" I say before turning towards Lex "You can do whatever you want to me give it your best shot, but I won't do this for you" I say before leaving
Grabbing my phone I text Chloe "I need Oliver's address" after a few minutes she sends it to me heading to my hotel I throw on jeans and the leather jacket Oliver bought me a few years back
Pulling the little black box from under my bed I strap on some knives and slip my gun into the waistband before driving to the address Chloe gave me
I might be pissed as hell and hurt that he left me but if he's in trouble I will find him pulling up to the address she gave me I climb out of the car heading upstairs opening the elevator gate I see all the glass on the ground before seeing the blood
"Damn it Oliver where are you" I mumble walking around hoping to find something that could tell me what happened or where he is a sound alerts me to someone, so I quickly hide behind the wall pulling my gun from my waistband when someone walks past me
On instinct, I kick my leg out dropping them to the floor with my gun pointed at them when I realize it's Clark "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask helping him up "better question why are you here and why do you have a gun?" he asks.
"I'm looking for Oliver and hello military dad remember" I say "you know Oliver?" He asks looking around "Unfortunately yes and there's nothing here" I say "Since you know him where would he have gone if he was hurt?" Clark asks.
"I haven't seen him in 2 years, so I don't know" I say "come on I saw the look in your eyes when I told Chloe about Oliver this morning you and him were close so maybe you can find him" he says looking down at me
"Fine he used to tell me about a warehouse on the edge of metropolis that he would go to if something was wrong" I say "Let's go then" he says heading towards the elevator putting my gun back in my waistband I follow him downstairs we climb in my car and head to the warehouse
Parking my car outside we head to the door looking down I spot blood on the ground, nudging Clark he sees it pulling my gun from my waistband we step inside following the blood trail
"Ollie are you here" I yell a loud noise is heard upstairs we head to the stairs the blood trail continuing we reach the top when I see a body lying on the ground beside a couch
Dropping my gun I run over realizing it's Oliver "Hey Ollie come on wake up the only way you get to die is if I kill you" I say placing a hand on his cheek and the other on his chest "Clark help me please" I say trying to get Oliver up onto the couch
"He's barely breathing Ollie, please wake up" I say shaking him a little his eyes slowly open "Li" he whispers I notice the blood coming from his stomach slowly lifting his shirt I see a bullet wound
"Clark go to my car there's a first aid kit in the trunk" I say he nods running off downstairs "Ollie what did you get yourself into?" I ask putting pressure on his wound to slow the bleeding.
"I tried to explain you wouldn't let me" he says just as his eyes slowly shut that's when I realized he wasn't breathing "Clark hurry" I yell starting chest compressions Clark comes running in
"Take over compressions" I say, he does as I say tilting Oliver's head back "Go" I say nodding to Clark before starting mouth-to-mouth a few minutes later Oliver gasps his eyes opening again
Grabbing everything I need from the first aid kit I bandage Oliver's wound "Clark take my car go get more bandages rubbing alcohol and water" I say throwing him my keys he nods leaving
Sitting on the table by the couch I look at Oliver his eyes on me "your not allowed to die on me, you understand me" I say "You came to kill me figured I'd make it easier for you" he says "I didn't know it was you I'm still pissed as hell at you for leaving me, but I don't want you dead" I say grabbing his hand
"Li I never wanted to leave you I didn't have a choice I just wanted to protect you" he says gripping my hand "You can explain everything later right now just get some rest" I say brushing a piece of hair off his face
He slowly starts trying to sit up "Hey, I said rest" I say trying to get him to lay back down he manages to fully sit up "Sit please" he says gesturing to the spot he was just laying "fine" I say sitting on the couch he leans back down his head on my lap he grabs my hand resting it on his chest as he falls asleep