A loud thud pulls me from my sleep

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A loud thud pulls me from my sleep. opening my eyes I groan looking down I see Oliver sleeping underneath me. Looking towards the noise I see Clark coming up the stairs.

"What's going on here?" He asks, looking between me and Oliver "well if you want an honest answer I have no idea my mind's a little fuzzy" I say as Oliver wakes up "Long story short, she got drunk came here and passed out" Oliver says.

"Guess I gave the cab the wrong address" I say Oliver smirks sitting up. I elbow him in the ribs avoiding where he was shot. He groans looking over at me, I just smirk at him.

"I take it I'm not needed, so I'm going to go" Clark says before heading back the way he came. Oliver snickers beside me "What?" I ask, looking over at him "The wrong address huh" He says, that same smirk back on his lips.

"Shut up I was drunk" I say "This isn't the first time you've come to me drunk, last time I checked you had me on your phone as drunk booty call for 3 months straight after we met" he says

"I thought we agreed to never bring that up" I say turning towards him "couldn't help it" he says looking at me, we sit like that for a minute before he slowly leans in just as our lips are about to meet my phone rings causing me to jump back

Grabbing it I slide the answer button without checking the name, "Where are you?" Eli asks through the phone "Not that you seemed to care much, but I'm with Chloe" I say looking at Oliver "I know you're not she's here at the hotel looking for you" He says.

"Fuck I'll be there in 20" I say, hanging up "Come on I'll give you a ride" Oliver says, standing up. I nod "Might want to grab a shirt first" I say, walking past him

"You never seemed to mind before" He says slipping his shirt on "That was a long time ago" I say walking downstairs to the car he has stashed behind the warehouse, we climb in driving back to my hotel

"Are you ever going to let me explain why I left?" He asks, looking over at me, "I want to know why you never came back?" I ask "Then meet me later, and I will explain everything" He says pulling into my hotel.

I nod climbing out of the car heading inside I reach my room walking inside I see Chloe, Layla, and Eli in the living room they turn seeing me

"Lia thank God we've been worried about you all night" Eli says "I find that funny considering you barely spoke two words to me last night" I say

And turn towards Chloe "I need your help" Chloe says "What's going on?" I ask "A girl came to me for help last night at the planet she was supposed to meet me today, and she never showed" She says.

"Do you have a name and a picture?" I ask she nods, handing me a photo "Her name is Riley from what she told me she witnessed something she wasn't supposed to and now someone's trying to kill her" she says.

"Do you have her last known address?" I ask "haven apartments in the middle of suicide slums apartment 4B" She says.

"I'll call you if I find out anything" I say heading to my room changing into some jeans and a black leather jacket I lace my boots up, slipping my gun into my waistband.

I head back to the living room, where I see Eli and Layla in a heated conversation. Eli notices me and quickly stops the conversation. "Can we talk?" He asks looking at me "I have to go if what that girl told Chloe is true then her and Chloe could be in danger" I say.

Grabbing my keys before heading out I make my way to the apartment Chloe told me pulling my gun I head upstairs seeing the door is open I push it stepping inside walking around I don't see anyone "She's not here" A voice says from behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask turning to see Oliver "Chloe called said you might need back up" He says "I can handle this you should be resting you were shot 4 days ago" I say "Lia I'm fine and if I can help find this girl, then I will" He says "Fine" I say walking around trying to find any clue of where she could be.

A picture on the wall catches my attention it's Riley and another girl pulling my phone out I send the picture to Chloe to see if she could find out who the girl is, a few minutes later she sends me a name and another address.

I show Oliver the address, and we head to the house opening the door we walk in splitting up heading upstairs I hear noises walking to the room I quietly open the door and see a man holding Riley and Her friend with a knife pointed at them, I bring my finger to my lips signaling from them to be quiet

I walk up behind him but the floor creaks alerting him to my presence he spins around his knife cutting my ribs I quickly knock the knife out of his hand punching him in the nose he runs at me, but I grab his arm flipping him on the ground before knocking him out

"Who are you?" Riley asks "Chloe sent me, I'm here to help" I say just as Oliver walks in he sees the man on the ground and walks over to me "Are you okay?" He asks, I nod.

"We need to get them somewhere safe and figure out who he is" I say he nods taking a picture of the man's face "Come on I know where we can take them" I nod we head to our cars and I follow him to a farm in the middle of Smallville

We climb out and walk to the front door, "Where are we?" I ask as he knocks on the door it opens, and I see a dark-haired girl standing there.

"Is Clark here?" Oliver asks so this is where Clark lives and this must be the girlfriend she nods, letting us in we stand in the living room just as Clark comes downstairs.

"Oliver what's up?" Clark asks looking between us and the two girls standing behind me, "we need a place for them while we figure out who's after them" Oliver says.

"They'll be safe here" Clark says we nod and Oliver and I head out to go meet with Chloe

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