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A couple of hours later Clark shows up with everything I asked for, "How's he doing?" Clark asks, looking at Oliver, who is still sleeping. "The bleeding stopped, he's going to be okay, just needs to rest" I say, looking down at Oliver.
"You can go home I'll watch him" Clark says, looking at me "No, it's okay I want to be here when he wakes up" I say "Alright then I'll be back later. I need to go check on my girlfriend and let Chloe know we found him" Clark says. I nod and he walks out.
"You better be okay" I mumble, looking at Oliver still sleeping on my legs. "I will be now" Oliver says, looking up at me, he goes to say something but the ringing of my phone cuts him off
Looking at the name I press ignore not having time for his shit today. Oliver slowly starts sitting up again. "No" I say, stopping him, "you are going to lay here until I know for sure you're not going to die on me" I say.
"Li I'm fine" He says sitting up "Fine my ass you could have died if we hadn't found you" I say "Not the first time probably won't be the last" He says
"You have got to be kidding me. I've been here all night because I was worried about you and you are acting like nothing fucking happened" I say, standing up
"Li, come on calm down" he says, "No, if you are going to act like nothing happened, then I will too" I say, grabbing my keys and leaving Heading back to my hotel, I grab my phone, calling Chloe "Hey Lia Clark said you found Oliver is he okay?" She asks "He'll be fine is Clark around you?" I ask sitting on my couch.
"Yeah here" She says before Clark's voice sounds through my phone "Is everything okay?" He asks "Yeah, just go over and check on him later" I say "I will" he says and we hang up.
The bedroom door creaks behind me, looking over my shoulder I see Eli standing there "Lia can we please talk?" he asks "why so you can lie to me more what else have you lied about?" I ask.
"I knew how you would react if you found out who I was that's why I didn't tell you I thought it would be better, but then Lex called asking if I knew anyone who could complete this job and I knew you could" He says
"I told Lex as well as you, I won't kill him" I say "If you don't Lex will just hire someone to complete the job and come after you" he says
"Let him try" I say "I've never seen you back down from a job before, what is so different now?" He asks, knowing I can't tell him the truth "He's trying to take down Lex, anyone willing to do that isn't a bad guy" I say.
"Now I'm going to lay down for a bit," I say, heading to the room, putting my gun back under the bed. I change into some comfy clothes before laying down
Sorry for this chapter being so short my work schedule is crazy right now I'm gonna try and get a full chapter out soon