Mystery Boy

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By the time Kuguri had found himself in his bed, after the bus back to school and the walk home, he had rid himself of the thoughts of the giants name or the weird thing that boy had said to him before he went to the nurse. He knew he would have too much to think about on his lonesome walk back to his home, so he grabbed some headphones out of his backpack and put on a random playlist to occupy his mind for the time being. He still had his headphones in while in bed when he got a notification from his phone. Thats weird. Who would be texting me at this hour. Or at any hour? His phone was not the most busy. He turned his phone to face him to read the notification.

[unknown number]

sorry about the delay! u would not believe what happened at volleyball practice ...

Kuguri looked at the text. Suddenly remembering all the things that had happened to him at practice as well. Including the strange feelings of deja vu. He remembered the strange feelings he got when talking to the short boy on the opposing team, as well as when he heard a familiar name. He opened the chat to respond. He reread the last conversation. Hm.. thats weird. The boy from today said something very similar. Must be my imagination.. He started to think before the name in the first message caught his eye. Lev... Wait. Wasn't the giant named Lev? Weird coincidence. He convinced himself.


Can't blame you. My day didn't go to plan either. Didn't see myself causing a head wound on today's agenda lol.

[unknown number]

no way!! thats so weird. something very similar happened to me today!

Kuguri was about to text back when his mom had peered her head into the door. He hadn't heard her knock because of his music. He took out one of his headphones to listnen.

"Honey, I've been calling your name. Dinner is ready."


Hey I gotta go eat. I'll text you later.

He turned off his phone and went to go eat, wondering what the mystery boy was about to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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