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It's been a week since I met my extended family.

I still couldn't believe I had a father and brothers.

After living with my mother and abusive stepfather for so long, discovering I had this whole other family was overwhelming, to say the least.

But everyone had been kind and welcoming, especially considering everything I had been through.

Therapy was helping, and I am starting to feel like I'm fitting in here.

Today was Saturday, and I was looking forward to a break from the emotional intensity of the past week.

My friends, Cassie, Summer, and Evelyn, were coming over, and we were planning to hang out in the indoor pool.

October had brought cooler temperatures, making the warmth of the pool even more inviting.

We slipped into the water, floating lazily and chatting about school, and the usual teenage stuff. It was a comforting normalcy that I desperately needed.

   The soft strains of 'Circles' by Post Malone played in the background, adding a soothing vibe to our gathering.

"This place is amazing," Summer said, looking around the lavish pool area. "I can't believe you live here."

"Yeah," I said, smiling. "It's a big change."

Cassie swam closer, her expression more serious. "How are you really doing, Adriana?"

   Her question made me pause, and for a moment, I was back in that moment when I first told them about my old life.

   I had kept it brief, just a short admission that my stepfather hadn't treated me right before quickly moving on.

I didn't want to dwell on the past, didn't want to burden them with the details.

I appreciated her concern. "I'm doing okay. Therapy is helping, and my family... they're really nice. It's just a lot to process."

Evelyn splashed a bit of water at me playfully. "Well, we're here for you, no matter what."

"Thanks," I said, feeling a surge of gratitude for my friends.

Before we could continue, the door to the pool area opened, and my brothers Nico, Matteo, and Luca walked in, accompanied by their friends Damon, Jaysen, and Kai.

The atmosphere instantly shifted from calm to lively.

"Hey, look who decided to take over our pool," Matteo said with his usual playful smirk.

"Sorry, did we intrude on your boys' club?" Cassie shot back, grinning.

Nico, always the loudest, cannonballed into the pool, sending a wave of water over Cassie and Summer.

They squealed and splashed him back, filling the room with laughter.

I was about to join in when I noticed Roman walking in behind them.

My heart skipped a beat.

Seeing him now brought all those confusing feelings rushing back.

"Hey, Adriana," Roman said. His presence was enigmatic, his expression unreadable.

"Hi," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

   Nico introduced two other boys who had come in with Roman. "This is Raúl and Hugo." They both nodded in greeting.

I remember seeing them at the mall while shopping with Cassie, Summer and Evelyn.

"I didn't realize you were friends," I said, looking from Nico to Roman, Raúl, and Hugo.

Luca chimed in. "Yeah, we all grew up together. Their fathers work with Dad."

Raúl nodded. "Our families have been close for years."

Soon everyone was splashing around in the pool, their laughter echoing off the walls.

I tried to relax and join in, but the sight of Roman kept pulling me out of the moment.

Then, I noticed some strange glances between Nico and Cassie. There was definitely something going on there, but I decided to ignore it for now.

I had enough on my plate without adding more drama.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I quietly slipped out of the pool and made my way to one of the day beds on the side.

Evelyn noticed and followed me, settling down beside me.

"You okay?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Yeah," I said, though I wasn't entirely sure if it was true. "Just needed a break from the chaos."

We sat in silence for a moment, watching our friends and my brothers goofing around in the water.

It was nice to have a quiet moment amidst all the noise.

"You know, it's really great to see you with your family," Evelyn said softly. "They seem to care about you a lot."

I smiled, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the pool's temperature. "Yeah, they do. It's still new and kind of overwhelming, but... it's nice."

She nodded, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "You'll get used to it. And you've always got us, too."

   We played around in the pool for a little while longer, splashing and laughing, until our stomachs started to growl in unison.

Luca suggested ordering pizza, and everyone enthusiastically agreed.

   We all dried off and made our way to the living room, where the debate over what toppings to get and what movies to watch began.

"Nico, pineapple does not belong on pizza!" Cassie argued, throwing a pillow at him.

"Yes, it does! It's a perfect blend of sweet and savory!" Nico retorted, catching the pillow with a grin.

I watched the playful argument unfold, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging.

Finally, we settled on a few pizzas that had a little bit of everything, ensuring everyone was happy.

In the living room, we continued our lively debate, this time over which movie to watch.

The room was filled with laughter and friendly banter as we threw out suggestions and vetoes.

As the pizzas arrived and the aroma filled the room, we finally settled on watching 'Iron Man.'

I curled up on the couch, surrounded by my friends and family, and felt a deep sense of contentment.

About halfway through the movie, I found myself sneaking glances at Roman.

   His brown hair fell perfectly across his forehead, and his tattoos peeked out from under the sleeves of his shirt, giving him an edge that I couldn't help but find intriguing.

His bone structure was almost too perfect, like he had stepped out of a magazine.

I was lost in my thoughts, admiring him, when he suddenly turned his head and caught me staring.

My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly looked away, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smirking, clearly amused by my reaction.

   I tried to focus on the movie, but my mind kept wandering back to Roman and the way he had smiled at me.

There was something about him that drew me in, despite everything I knew about his reputation.

Maybe it was just a harmless crush, or maybe it was something more. Only time would tell.

   For now, I was content to sit here, surrounded by the people who cared about me, and let the warmth of the moment wash over me.


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