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   I had just finished my espresso when Dante burst into my office, holding a letter with a grim expression.

"Dad, this was outside our gate," he said, handing me the envelope.

There was no return address, just my name scrawled across the front in a hurried, aggressive script.

   My gut twisted as I opened the letter. The paper was thick, the kind used for formal invitations, but the words written on it were anything but friendly.

To Adriano De Niro,

We know about Adriana. We know she's back with you.

Your sins will be repaid, and your daughter will be the price.

The Mexican cartel never forgets.

You will watch her suffer and then you will watch her die.

Consider this a warning. Protect her if you can, but it won't make a difference.

We are coming.

- S.D.L.C

My hands tightened around the paper, the edges crumpling as rage boiled up inside me.

   Dante stood silent, waiting for my response. I needed to act swiftly. The safety of my daughter was non-negotiable.

I called a meeting with the key members of our family and our closest allies.

   By noon, they were all gathered in the study: Alessio, Cecilia, my parents Sofia and Francesco, Leonardo, Dante, Lorenzo, and Mattia.

   Our allies, Alejandro Álvarez, the leader of the Spanish mafia, Hector Garcia, one of the best hackers worldwide, and Javier Díaz, a lethal assassin, were also present.

Alejandro, Hector, and Javier had been my friends since childhood.

We had grown up together, and there was no one I trusted more to help protect my family.

   I held up the letter for everyone to see. "This arrived this morning. It's from the Mexican cartel. They know about Adriana."

Gasps and murmurs of concern filled the room. Alessio was the first to speak. "What do they want?"

"They want revenge," I said, my voice low and dangerous. "And they plan to use Adriana to get it."

Cecilia's eyes blazed with a fierce protective instinct. "We need to get her out of here. Somewhere safe."

   Alejandro leaned forward, his expression serious. "I can offer safe houses in Spain, but the cartel's reach is long. We need more than just a hiding place. We need to make sure they can't get to her."

   Hector nodded in agreement. "We can set up a digital fortress around her, monitor any communications that mention her name. But we need to be proactive, not just reactive."

   Leonardo, always the strategist, chimed in. "We need a multi-layered approach. Physical security, digital security, and we need to go on the offensive. Find out who is behind this and neutralize the threat."

   My father, Francesco, who had seen more than his share of battles, looked at me with steely determination. "Adriano, this is your call. What do you want to do?"

I took a deep breath, looking around at the faces of those I trusted most in the world.

   "We protect Adriana at all costs. Hector, I need you to start monitoring any and all chatter that could give us a lead on who sent this letter. Javier, coordinate with our men and Alejandro's to fortify our defenses here and at the safe houses. Cecilia, Alessio, you focus on securing Adriana's immediate surroundings. Leonardo and Dante, start planning our offensive. We will find these bastards and make them regret ever threatening my daughter."

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