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Tonight was a big night. It was the opening night of a play at the local theatre written by a local man. Score by a local woman. Local boy, Pete Wentz, was the star of the play. It was the biggest production this theatre had ever held. This was Pete's big break, he was sure of it. Scouts and agents in the crowd, TV reporters capturing the buzz. Everyone in town that was lucky enough to get tickets was coming to opening night.

Pete was standing in front of a mirror backstage, his makeup and hair already done. Brushing black, straightened hair out of his face, he picked up his phone and clicked the power button for the time. It was twenty minutes until curtain call, and he still had to say 'hi' to everyone! He took a breath and shook out his nerves, eyes locked on his own reflection.

"You can do this, Pete, you got this," he told himself, straightening the jacket of his costume. "You're gonna go on and do a good job. Make your mom proud." He took another breath, closing his eyes. "You can do this."

He brushed wrinkles off his pants and turned and walked away. He knew a lot of people got really anxious about these things, so he always went around and wished everyone good luck. From wardrobe to the sweating director, he told them, "Break a leg!"

Pete always had a smile to share, and sometimes didn't know when to stop. Speeding by, he wished the stagehands and set director luck. He then waved at the makeup artists, shouting a greeting over the nervous chatter. Heading back to find his script and review it again, he grinned at everyone he passed. He slowed his pace when something caught his eye.

There was a person standing where the velvet red curtain ended, nervously peeking through to the crowd.

His name was Mikey, and he was muttering curses to his brother.

Pete kept the grin on his face, and decided to help this kid calm down.

"Hey, man," Pete said.

The voice so close to him made Mikey jump. He shakily glanced behind him. "Uh, hi."

"You alright?" Pete asked. He leant over to where Mikey still held the curtain open. "What're you looking for?"

"Oh." Mikey immediately dropped the curtain. "Just, uh, just my family. They should be here by now, and my stupid brother said he wouldn't wear a stupid hat."

Pete had nodded in understanding, but now was furrowing his eyebrows.

"Uh, he kind of has bright red hair," Mikey said. He hid behind his glasses, his voice shy and gestures timid. "He should stick out like a sore thumb."

Pete nodded. "Well, they probably just stopped to get you flowers or are picking up a program." He patted Mikey's arm gently. "I'm sure they wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Thanks," Mikey said, a smile starting to make its way to the surface.

Pete smiled without showing his teeth. He decided he liked this boy.

Flirt mode: On.

"Well, I haven't seen you around," Pete said, leaning on the wall next to him, his voice noticeably dripping with charm. "What role are you playing?"

"Oh, uh..." Mikey pushed his glasses up on his nose, taken by the suggestion he might be of the handsome guild of performers. "I'm not an actor," he said with a slight chuckle. "I'm from the, uh, school up the road." He gestured with his left hand. "I'm part of the 'orchestra' they rounded up."

"Well, you certainly had me fooled," Pete said. "But that's great. I love listening to your rehearsals. What do you play?"

"Uh, upright bass." Mikey motioned like he was playing, then tugged his cardigan sleeves down.

Slap Dat Bass! // petekey theatre geeks!auWhere stories live. Discover now